Like to learn how to some of the fancey stuff ya all do here in the postings. It’s fancey to me. ‘specially posting links.
Any one care to help the ‘puter inept?
Luka you game?
Lets add reducing the size of pictures / attachments to be posted.
Edited 5/26/2003 4:20:19 AM ET by IMERC
Links are easy. for instance - I just went to the topics cloumn on the left and selcted this one
with my right mouse button. The pop-up menu leet me select "save link location.
Then I hit reply and started typing to you and used ctrl + Paste to plop it in here.
Suppose I have another window open to sopme other site that I want to recommend. I highlight the URL at top of that window and right click, copy, paste it in here.
The fancy part is when these guys make the link look like some other word. I don't know how to do that trick.
Excellence is its own reward!
piff ... Thanks.
Any thing you think is usefull around here. Mind sharing with me?
Sand box time.
While you are delving deeply into prospero's canyons, see if you can get the search feature to work consistantly. That would be usefull..
Excellence is its own reward!
And I thought that it was me that couln't work the search feature very well.
Soooo I had help huh....
Thanks Piff...
Between you and Goldhiller I feel like the lights are being turned on
Can't say I wouldn't mind giving up some line speed to be living where you are tho..
Excellence is its own reward!
Apparently he hasn't told you about the winter storms that are still falling on him even in May?
Though I can't wait to get the heck out of Kansas, let me tell you this is one happening state.Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
What's a little off beat inclement weather. It adds variety and spice to life.
8 years ago I punched the well.
8 years ago I got rid of the out house and moved the plumbing indoors.
7 years ago I put in electricty.
6 years ago I put in a telephone.
1 year ago I put in central heat.
This year I get line 2.
This year I put in the 1k gallon propane tank.
Next year I sever from the power company and go self sufficient.
DLOS nieghbor is over 3 miles away.
2 of us live on this side of a 7 mile road.
Still surrounded by thousands of acres of nobody.
Still have my 2 mile driveway.
Life has it's costs but here they seem to have more of a wholesome value.
Happiness is were the heart is.
Mine's here.
Glad you found your place in the world, personally I'd like the surrondings, the snow would have to go though.
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, Professionals build the Titanic.
That 10+ snow escapade was a little trying, but the right frame of mind helps.
"Apparently he hasn't told you about the winter storms that are still falling on him even in May?"
I've lived there. He didn't need to tell me.
The world is made of two kinds of people.
Those who get snowwed in
and those who get snowed out.
like andy c says, "Be snowed"
Excellence is its own reward!
And some days it's both...
<a href=""> Right here </a>
This is how the HTML text would look to link the words
"Right here" with the associated URL to the reference document. Enter this string of HTML into your regular message wherever you'd like to have the link appear.
<a href="URL">YOUR LINK WORD</a>
When you do this and prior to hitting the post button, make sure you scroll down and check mark the box that indicates that there are HTML tags in the message........or the link won't work. Then hit post. I will do a second post here to link the words to the URL. In that post, all that will change is that I'll check the little box for HTML tags in message. If I do that for this message, you won't get to see the actual text above of how it's done.
When you check that "HTML in message" box, you'll also lose your paragraph separations unless you type <p> wherever you want a paragraph break.
An easy way to grab the url is to copy and paste it into the HTML text. You can visit that page without leaving here by opening another browser. You can also grab that url without opening another browser and going there if you have it in your Bookmarks or Favorites. Right click on the bookmark and ask it for it's properties. You may have to enter "edit" bookmarks or favorites to do this.
Knowledge is power, but only if applied in a timely fashion.
Edited 5/26/2003 12:17:14 PM ET by GOLDHILLER
Right here
It's off to the sand box, play time.
Thanks. Any thing you can think up... I'm game...
Well I kinda thought that Piffin would've jumped on the picture resizing since he's the one who first recommended it and posted the link here, but since it appears you're taking time to play right now, I'll try to do a decent job of standing in for him.
Here's the link ..
After you've got it installed, have it associate with all your pic files (.jpg, for instance) and/or direct it to open a specific one.
Click "image" then "resize/resample". Now you have a few choices. You can either use some of the presets to the right side of that window or enter the boxes on the left side and insert the numbers of your choice there. Piffin frequently recommends (if I remember correctly) maximum numbers for posting on BT of 72 dpi and a width 720 . (The height will automatically change with change of width) This size of pic makes it tolerable for those of us on dial-ups.
After you resize, you may want to use "image" then "sharpen". Depends. One too many of those will make things worse instead of better. You have an "undo" button up on the toolbar, but it only undoes the very last action you took. If things get away from you and you have to start over, use "file" then "reopen".
If you want to crop a pic, just lasso the part you want and then hit "edit" and "crop selection". Then you can play with that rendering.
Once you have the pic how you want it, use "file" …"save" or "save as". ( Be careful here what you choose to do here or you can lose the original. Best to have the pics backed up first on removable media, just in case. ) If you want to keep the original size as well as the modified one you just made, then use "save as" and give it a new name like "pic-mod". Choose that one when you upload to a post.
There's all kinds of stuff you can do with the program which you'll find as you play around. Not bad for free.
Have fun.
Knowledge is power, but only if applied in a timely fashion.
Never thought computers were "fun".
Got a zillion pics and few I don't mind destroying or loosing.
With stacking on the phone lines out here [Think party line] I seldom get better than 10/12 kb speeds. Usally it is more like single digit down load speeds. Makes you learn how to wait all over again.
Will this process work in reverse? Take a itty bitty pic and enlarge it?
Thanks again.
ps Started printing these and started my own help file.
Yes, no or maybe.... to enlargement. You're bound to lose some resolution, so you can have the larger pic, but it'll likely be more grainy. It's about the current dpi and the conversion.
High-priced graphics programs like the full-blown versions of Adobe Photoshop offer ways to compensate for some of this loss, but.........$$$$ are involved.
Ah yes, I see you're out there where party lines might still exist. We have a bit of this problem here in our little hamlet also. We're not a big priority with the phone company and so we normally have downloads in the mid-twenties. For a while last winter we got 56K when they rerouted lines for maintenance. That last three weeks and then we were sent down below decks again where they figure we belong. For us it's going to be satellite or live with it. 6 miles away and we could have anything we'd want.
I'm betting that downloading stuff like Iranfanview is a big f... pain for you. If you don't know of anyone you can get it from on disc, toss me an e-mail if you like, with an address, and I can send you a disc with that and some other stuff.
Don't know what you're running, but I don't have anything for a Mac.
Knowledge is power, but only if applied in a timely fashion.
Email is on the way.
Frequent drop outs in the middle of a down load sucks. The down load speeds here make you feel like you are being keel hauled. Be happy to be below decks. getting into forum can take 10 to 15 minuets with a 4kb speed.
I figure satillite is about 100$ a month and 500 to a grand for equipment. The next town over has every thing and then some. Their trunk line and repeater station is 5 miles from the house. Go figure. Been waiting for line 2 for more than 2 years. 6500$ to put in line 1 and a 2 year 10 month wait.
Forgot to tell you Win 2000 pro.
wouldnt mind seeing your cabin in the woods
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''
Consider that done.
Got pics of my nieghbors I think you will appreciate.
Probably every one on forum will.
waitin for em impatiently : )~~~
In his first interview since the stroke, Ram Dass, 66, spoke with great difficulty about how his brush with death has changed his ideas about aging, and how the recent loss of two old friends, Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg, has convinced him that now, more than ever, is the time to ``Be Here Now.''
Please don't hold your breath though.
The purple pool replaced by the purple Andy.
All the pic are real photos. Nothing digitized.
They will make it into forum.
Be patient
Edited 5/27/2003 12:53:17 AM ET by IMERC
Looks like others have picked up the ball. Very cool.
And wow, GOLDHILLER covered it all so well. Very well done !!
A good heart embiggins even the smallest person.
Quittin' Time
Thank you, Luka. Means a lot coming from you.
Knowledge is power, but only if applied in a timely fashion.
Another way to put a link to your words is to type your words, then hilite them with a left drag, while they are hilited, click the blue-globe-with-a-chainlink icon and paste your url into the popup window. This works with the WYSIWYG format.
You can use this technique to put a clickable email link by typing
into the popup. Like this; email SamT. Now if you clik the SamT link, your email program will pop up.
Sam my light bulb is suffering a voltage drop.
Blue globe = The blue high light?
Chainlink Icon = ?
Pop up window =
This morning my link is 31.2. This most rare.
I have attached a thousand words for you
Thanks the voltage is back up.
Any body know what happened to Joe's cheat sheet?
Search says no matches found.