So, got 20 years out of the cedar posts, now it’s time for a rebuild. But cedar 4x4s are running 23 bucks, PT around 11.
I still have the 20 year lifespan and I’m 46. I don’t want to do this again at 66.
Thought of using steel posts and wrapping them with wood.
I’ve been considering concrete. Make a mold, mix a couple bags, add a touch more cement and some dye. Drop a length of #4 bar in the middle.
Whatcha think?
You can probably make your own concrete fence posts. However, if you call around you can probably find a reasonably close source for precast concrete fence posts. And, not spend the rest of the summer making up enough posts to do the job.
I'm not sure how well they will survive the freeeze thaw cycle. I installed some 25-years ago in southern Nevada. The ones that weren't in a high sulfate/sulfite soil held up well.
You need something larger than 3", to provide lateral resistance.
I'd recommend looking for precast posts. (They apparently were once all the rage, back in the 1st half of the 20th century -- I remember seeing a lot of them as a kid.)
I was thinking 5 x 5.
4 too small, 6 too big kind of thing.
Made a temporary mold to see if it looks OK. I'll try to cast a sample this weekend.
Thought of that, 6" sonotube
Thought of that, 6" sonotube too.
Simple reason really, my wife hates round. We'll drive past a nice Georgian, "I hate the round columns."
"Yeah, you might have mentioned it."
Give this company some consideration if you want to have the posts pre-made.
Concrete Post Molds
You can also buy post molds for making precast posts. One source I know of that sells steel post molds is Greentec Construction Technologies (