Does anyone have a recommendation for an easy to learn/easy to use software package for cost estimating and scheduling? It can be one package or two separate ones. Project type is small to large residential renovation and new construction.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Estimating - Have you looked at Walt Stoeppelwerths materials. http://www.hometechonline.com/
Many profitable remodelers claim it was his training and software that got them onto the right estimating path.
Based on his insights and estimating strategy the bigger remodelers seem to evolve from his system to their own systems but have modeled their system on Walts.
The estimating system is then inspected for expectations through the combination of Total Quality Management Meetings where they conduct through job costing comparing the actual with the original estimate, and the networking with other successful contractors that know their numbers are willing to share. They eventually come up with the Best Practice for their business.
Scheduling Microsoft Project seems to becoming the software of choice. If you have a team of people I prefer scheduling in the open on a board, but the software is much easier to update.
If you would like to contact day-to-day users of these programs drop me an e-mail and I'll make the introductions.
Richard Kaller
*Warning.Beware, poster and lurker alike.This man is trying to sell you something. Do not listen to him. He is very convincing. He can make a splinter under your fingernail sound like a good idea. Do not be fooled. He wants to sell you a 'program'. You pay outrageous 'fees' for the right to listen to this person's advice. His advice is all smoke and mirrors. He and his company are the amway of construction sales advice.He claims to be selling advice. What he is actualy selling is an addiction. Listen to his 'advice', and he will string you along with 99 percent bullshit, and 1 percent real advice. The 99 percent bullshit is there just to inflate the 1 percent into seeming like more than what it is, and to keep stringing you along so he can get you to pay for even more of his bullshit.Do not be fooled. Be afraid. be very afraid.
*Do not buy anything from dick he is known in these parts as cyber pimp trying to pimp something off.
*but in spite of RK dick's devious methods of trying to feather his own nest, Walt Stoeppelwerth’s materials. http://www.hometechonline.com/ is a good source geared to rremodeling..You can buy the software, subsribe to it online or try a free thirty days estimating subscription.
*RK....Good post..and Good info...just don't ask for people to email you for awhile...Get to be one of us if you are really going to stay. Just be another post that gives info. And thanks for not mentioning your business.near the stream,aj
*Thanks to everyone so far for their interesting comments and warnings. I didn't expect such strong interaction!I'm still searching for available software for estimating and scheduling.
*Rob,Another resource you may want to check out is the vendor listed below. Norm is a remodeling contractor apparently hooked on the concept of making off-the-shelf software easier to use by remodeling contractors. I believe he is onto something.He has developed templates that make ACT (the contact management software) much easier for remodelers to use the program. His templates are inexpensive and certainly worth investigating.Norm tells me he has similar templates for Microsoft Project. I have not seen them, but based on what I perceive as his passion to excel, my guess is they are certainly worth exploring. Again, I don’t think they cost much.In regards to the sales disclaimers you have seen on this board. It is best to consider the source of the disclaimer. Anyone that would post such misinformation has certainly done zero research into what they are posting about. If they did they would not publicly embarrass themselves. What we have is someone that has jumped to the conclusion that I am trying to sell something here. I don’t ever remember suggesting someone buy anything from me. I simply responded to a question what it cost to be in the CCN NetWork and the answer somehow was misinterpreted to be a sales pitch. CCN has no salesmen, no sales pitch. Its growth is based on word-of-mouth by sharing contractor development tips.For the record, Walt Stoeppelwerth could be considered a direct competitor of mine on the lecture circuit. I have no financial interest in his business; however, our seminars are often teamed together by the sponsor. Walt explains how to calculate the right price and I explain how to get the right price since it is often significantly higher than many prices in the market. Walt has also spoken at CCN Quarterly Conferences. I recommend Walt because he brings value to the industry. I know many remodelers that use or have used his software successfully.I have no financial interest in Microsoft Project or the training of Microsoft Project. In fact, Microsoft Project is in competition with the Scheduling Board Process we recommend. For complex, multi-trade projects Microsoft Project is better. For single line trades I feel the Scheduling Board is more effective for more reasons than just scheduling. I recommend Microsoft Project based on the feedback we are receiving from CCN Members. I recommend it because it is quickly becoming the contractors preferred scheduling software.I have no financial interest in 9 Dots. In fact, to some degree 9 Dots could be considered a competitor to our ACT training programs. I have spoken with Norm about a strategic alliance so we could have the “best of the best” and he would have access to sell to the CCN Membership.My suggestion to us e-mail was to communicate names of software users that have day-to-day experience, not sell CCN. Quite frankly, there seems to be no better method for contractor education than networking with contractors doing exactly the same type of business.Norm Seff9 Dots217 Oak AvenueBaltimore, MD 21208Phone 800-982-2785Fax 410-486-0818E-mail Address [email protected] Web Site http://www.9dots.comBest of luck,Richard Kaller
*Warning.Beware, poster and lurker alike.This man is trying to sell you something. Do not listen to him. He is very convincing. He can make a splinter under your fingernail sound like a good idea. Do not be fooled. He wants to sell you a 'program'. You pay outrageous 'fees' for the right to listen to this person's advice. His advice is all smoke and mirrors. He and his company are the amway of construction sales advice.He claims to be selling advice. What he is actualy selling is an addiction. Listen to his 'advice', and he will string you along with 99 percent bullshit, and 1 percent real advice. The 99 percent bullshit is there just to inflate the 1 percent into seeming like more than what it is, and to keep stringing you along so he can get you to pay for even more of his bullshit.If you need advice, you can most likely get whatever advice you need, from the people of this forum, for free. Just by posting a question. If your problem is not solved here, there is undoubtedly a book that specifically addresses your problem. You can get a book on just about any construction, or construction sales subject under the sun, at the Taunton books site. Or at Crafstman books, JLC Bookstore, or NAHB bookstore. Or even your local library. Start here... http://www.taunton.com/store/index.asp For an average of 35 dollars each, you will get a book that you can hold in your hand, that you can refer to any time you want to. And that will cover in depth, not only the question that you would have asked here, but many questions you might not have thought to ask. Books written by real life people with real life experience in the subject of the book. People who do not have an ongoing 'program' to sell you. Books will not give you a tiny bit of information, then make you accept a neverending drain in your wallet, to get just a tiny bit more. Do not be fooled by this salesman. Do not 'drop him an email'. Be afraid, be very afraid.......................And yes, please DO consider the source of this warning...
*Luka,I guess not all rk's posts got deleted.I suggest that if it should be necessary again to make use of this standard disclaimer, you could change wording in the last line to read "Be warned, be smart, be well" or something of that sort. Because I am not the type to be afraid and most people here are not either. I don't disagree with the general idea of the warning though - kind of like when they used to bell the lepers...Just something to think about.
*Time to bell some Islamic extremists too....Haha..hohonear the stream,aj
*I guess we've started ringing their doorbells now
Does anyone have a recommendation for an easy to learn/easy to use software package for cost estimating and scheduling? It can be one package or two separate ones. Project type is small to large residential renovation and new construction.