The plaster on my apartment wall peeled off and it seems like I’ve a crack in the concrete wall, behind all the layers of paint.
I assume that I need to epoxy the crack and then lay up some drywall.
However, after I epoxy, should I spray some water on the outside wall to make sure the epoxy is holding the water out?
Many thanks for adivce in advance.
Is there a chimney located there?
Or anything else that would more directly add water to the masonry? Vent stack above-valley in the area-window above?
no chimney.
Just a cement wall.
Shoud I just thow some bleach down to get rid of the mold and then epoxy the crack. Maybe, I'll spray some water outside to check that the epoxy worked after. Then put up some sheetrock?
You can try it.
But it's best to take care of it where its coming from-outside.
How much of a depression do you have?............
between the surface of the concrete (?) to the finished wall surface?
You could glue a pc of 1/4", 3/8'ths", 1/2" cut to pretty close fit of the depression if even. Then tape the perimeter and mud that up. I'd use durabond for the first coat or two (if you're good enough not to sand).
If less than a 1/4", use durabond to bring up to the surface (not beyond), then tape the perimeter and finish off as you would the patch above.
If you use wall liner you'll still have to bring it up to even surface.
Scrape all the crap off-loose stuff. Before you mud (not necessary if you use board), slather on some Plaster Weld or if people are correct-slather on some elmers white glue. Let dry and mud on. Helps it bond to that hopefully not suspect surface.
I repeat-take care of the moisture source.
thanks for the input!
You're Welcome
Best of luck.
Cover the wall with wall liner and paint. There's no (reasonably practical) way to fix the crack so it won't reappear.
Of course, another option is to hang a frame around it and call it modern art.