I had a tough two days Thursday and Friday. I had to install the two inclined curved rails on this dual curved stairway.
What made it difficult is that I wasnt able to fit these rails and the ascending volutes in my shop..but on the jobsite. I had no choice as the stairs had to be set before I even glued the rails up. I knew I would eventually get the railing and the fittings together….but was this ever going at it backwards for me.
The first one took almost all day. Then I learned some tricks and was able to fit the second one in three hours.
Anyway…I am relieved the railing is all run now and all I have left is a couple of days of iron baluster work.
Wow, that must been tough. You mean you fit and sanded those rails on site? Or did you "just" have them close and fine tune? Either way, can't wait to see the final!
Quality, Craftsmanship, Detail
Hook: I glued the handrails in my shop...but normally also install the volutes and goosenecks with the stairs in my shop. This job I had to do it backwards and fit the railing to the ascending volute and the gooseneck. I also had no help so had to rely on improvised jigs to hold the rail while I tried to figure the cuts.
Hey Stan, I've got the Knots guys stumped with a "what's this wood".
Maybe you can help them out. I know you've worked with this wood before.
And keep those pics coming. I was curious how you were going to do the rail on this one. If I remember correctly, this is the IN house. Looks good so far!
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
Edited 3/7/2005 10:21 am ET by JohnT8
John: Brazilian cherry......
As always, great work. If you ever run into a situation you need help for a bit, I am in Champaign. I might even work for nothing just to get a chance to see you work.
Edited 3/7/2005 12:53 pm ET by Mark
What made it difficult is that I wasnt able to fit these rails and the ascending volutes in my shop..but on the jobsite.
Hey thats the way I always do it! hehehe