I had to drill the holes for the iron balusters today. The skirtboards are poplar and will be painted. The treads and risers are oak. The risers have riser brackets mitered to them…and they are in oak as well. The skirtboard beneath the riser brackets will be painted.
I pretty much hate you now,,,yer a ...(G)
Love it all Stan, love it all.
I swear, I am gonna wrap this one nightmare , when Dean gets his wires outta my way..
Curved baby..curved.
Great work!
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
HOW ABOUT THAT REZ GUY? UH HUH? ...He ain't Silesien I bet....wimp
" Nie dajê siê olœniæ statkami parowymi i kolej¹ ¿elazn¹. Wszystko to nie jest cywilizacj¹. - Francois Chateaubriand (1768 - 1848) "
People are entitled to their own opinions; People are not entitled to their own truth.
good job