Hey Everyone,
I’m currently re-building a deck (I kept the sub-structure). I’m installing 4×4 cedar deck posts but I am unsure of the railing type, height, and etc just yet. Since I can only pick away at each weekend I’m wondering:
Can I install 5′ post now (51″ above deck boards) and cut them to proper size later. I’m likely going to put a post cap or drink rail on top so a straight cut, noting fancy.
Ideally, I would cut to height now but the height will depend on rail kit and/or cap detail/drink rail etc. Just nervous that cutting while vertical w a circular saw might be difficult or sloppy
Thanks for your support!
Leave the posts long until you make the final design decision on the railings, but build a jig for cutting the posts to final length. I've enclosed a diagram of a tip that appeared in the 40th issue of Fine Homebuilding, by Timothy Pelton, to provide you with one idea. The jig will give you the stability and confidence to make great cuts with your circular saw and avoid mistakes and kickback.
Amazing that you pulled this up from issue #40. Love it, but if you have a big saw I think there is an easier and faster way.
What I do is just clamp a speed square to the post with a Bessey as my fence, and run along with a 10.25" Skilsaw. On a 4x4 it's a single pass.
Maybe in 1987 there weren't 10.25" circular saws? I doubt there was a clamp as handy as a Bessey one-hander, either.
Sure - just mark them with a square and cut them off with a circular saw.
Thanks everyone. I took your advice and was able to move on with confidence.