I am an owner-builder and have about 300 ft2 of foundation wall to veneer. I have more time than money and am considering buying standard bricks and cutting 2 – 1/2″ thick faces off each brick instead of buying thin brick (4x the cost).
Any words of warning against using self cut brick?
Be sure to spit before you swallow.
cutting 2,000 pieces?
If I had 2,100 pieces of brick in my yard; then yes; I would just cut what I have. The most likely cost is the freight to get 300 sq ft of brick shipped to your location. Depending on the color/texture/size of the brick you desire; you could pay as little as $3.00 per sq ft ($.43 each) for modular size flat brick. Corners are more expensive ($1.50 or so each pc).
What is your attachment method? Attaching 2 1/2" brick to your wall is a little different than 1/2" thin brick.
I kinda wonder how much the saw blades will cost.