I was wondering where you guys are finding your best return on investment as far as advestising. I’ve tried church papers a little newspaper advertising and some fliers. None have given me great results. Most of my work seems to be word of mouth. What is everyone else doing? Is the yellow pages worth it?
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
The thing that worked best for me was sky writting over Jones Beach on a hot summer weekend.
Be creative
"My life is my practice"
Yeah? What was your ROI on that?
Sorry for my constant ignorance but whats ROI?
Be always learning and yearning
andy"My life is my practice"
not 100% sure, but I'll take a stab he meant Return on Investment..
There are a few rules to effective advertising. you are already ahead in realizing that you want to be effective and not to simply broadcast.
First, you want to identify your audience - or select your MARKET. it is no suprise that weekend sports watchers get to see ads for cable and satellite service.
So if you know who you want to serve and what their characteristics are, you can brainstorm what medium is likelyu to catch their atention
Second, You need to aadvertise to them at the TIME when they are ready and primed to buy what you sell. If your business is wood birning stoves, don't waste too much on advertising in the early summer. If you sell hot tubs, ditto. Small home improvements have a target audience right around now since those income tax refunds are leaving folks feeling flush. The day after they get home from that August vacation is a bad time to talk to them about spending money on the roof, when they know darn well that they just spent too much on the trip.
Many of my clients are heavily invested in the market. A down trend means that my advertising is directed at "value" A long up trend means they feel exhuberant and ready to show off so the advertising emphasizes words like quality, classical, and unique.
Third, You want to advertise in the PLACE they are when they are considering spending money. That is why there are large signs out in developements where dozens of houses are being built. The weekend cruisers are driving through and daydreaming about their piece of heaven. Have you ever seen a billboard advertising snow skiis on the beach in Daytona? How 'bout one advertising warm parkas there? No, the signs will be advertising suntan lotion and boats
Finally, the advertising shoulkd make the potential customer FEEL good about buying your services. You want them to be proud and happy they choose you. The concept of name branding is a large one but it applies here. Create a niche market where you are THE ONE to go to for whatever service you provide and that will quadruple the value of the word of mouth advertising you have now.
Never forget that that WOM is absolutely THE best advertiusing you can ever have, so design your other marketing to amplify that and CAUSE people to start talking about you.
I once hired the recently graduated son of the town gossip to work for me. I unwittingly gained the best ad I ever had - for free.
And to boot - that kid was one of the best workers I ever had. I took him in as a partner eventually - until he left town for greener pastures. His wife wanted to be in another place.
Welcome to the
Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime.
where ...
Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks Piffin,
You've given me some good points to consider when making up my next ad.
Piffin as always has added a great deal of depth to the subject. I am starting a new ad campain on the radio and that will be a big help, thanks Piffin!
One thought I have is different forms of advertising work in different areas. In my area if you want to rent a property you take an ad out in the local newspaper. A town about 20 miles from here you put a sign in the yard. They have virtually no ads for rental property in their paper. So I would ask around some and see what people read, where they look.
The other kind of follows Andy C's comment on creativity. We have a local cable advertising channel so we tried that. 30 second commericial run a minimum of 260 time a week for $35. We get 2-3 calls a week from it and sell about 40%. Really the best thing we have found. As I said earlier we are going to try some ads at the local radio station. The are $15 per ad in blocks of 4 on a 3 hour home improvement show. Anyway don't limit yourself to just the ads you read, ask around and remember the radio, tv, paper, and others will give you quotes and info just for the asking, just like most of us, lol. DanT
I know of one "mr.fixit" type guy that has raved about the local weekly community paper ad he runs.
Word of Mouth is the best, tho sometimes taking years to cultivate.
Go to your local suppliers and let them know you are always looking for work. They do refer work, especially when they know it'll mean a purchase in their house.
Go to the senior center, those folks often need assistance and a good reputation there will mean more business after the ice cream social.
I wouldn't put much stock in the yellow pages.
What I really appreciate about word of mouth is that it gives you a pre-qualifier of the folks that call. Your name was given by a satisfied customer, who hopefully wouldn't send you a nimrod. Best of luck.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Define who is your target market. It should never be less than 10% or greater than 50% as far as ad's go relevant to market share. At least that's what they taught us in B-school. ie. Don't advertise to the whole county, when for the same $$$ you can saturate a city. (If you're still small)
Pif's comments were right on. Some additional that I have learned.
Hope this helps!
By far---for me---the best return has been from a small ad in my church bulletin. Consistency is Key. I talked to the people who print the bulletin and they told me the BEST location was the back cover----upper right hand corner. they would gaurantee me that corner if I used color in the ad.---the best part is my "company color" is dark green---and that is the color ink the bulletin is usually printed in. It changes colors with the church seasons (Lent,advent etc.)
I run the ad there year round----year after year.It cost $12/week---I sign a yearly contract.consistency is key----I ran the ad for over a year before it really started to pay off----and most importantly---the customers it attracts are the type to give glowing word of mouth referalls. I will shortly be doubling the size of the ad to include my new venture into the door and window business.
If you are well known in the church area----and advertise consistently-----many of your customers have subconsciously decided to uses you YEARS before they actually call.
Next best return is little league team sponsorships,youth basketball,any youth sport booster club,high school sports programs etc.----But there has to be some connection with you----YOU have to be known----you can't advertise with a team or a sports oraganization where you are a stranger.
the best return on money spent comes from those 2 areas------but the highest VOLUME comes from the yellow pages ad. the problem with the yellow pages ad is it attracts a lot of bottom feeders and tire kickers. you can really spin your wheels and waste a lot of time giving "free estimates" to calls recieved from the yellow pages.To fully capitalize on a yellow page ad you have to be able tohandle the volume of leads it generates.It is EXPENSIVE. your best value probably will not be the biggest ad----it certainly wasn't for me. The phone company WILL try to pressure you every year to buy a bigger ad----and every year they will substantially increase your rate. Best tip?----use color and a smaller ad. also----look at this years phone book----then go to the library and look at one from 5-10-20 years ago. See who is still araound and advertising? see what size ad they are running? See how most of the guys with full page ads are out of business in a few years?
for me---the worst money spent on advertising was in community"penny pincher" type newspapers----very poor return,very cost conscious work expected---really a nightmare.
Personally, in the next phone book I will still run an ad( I have for the last 8-10 years) but I will be scaling it back even further---and I will probably drop color from the ad. I will spend the savings by increasing the money I use to advertise within my own neighborhood.
One other thing I started doing a couple years ago that increased word of mouth returns was------I had some post cards printed up with company logo on them. After a job is completed and paid for----I simply send a post card with a HANDWRITTEN note on it thanking the customer for the privilege of working on their home. then----at thanksgiving---I send a holiday THANKSGIVING card. ( the day after thanksgiving i buy the next years batch on sale!). I don't send christmas cards or generic "holiday cards"---cause you can really pizz off people by sending the wrong holiday card. Everybody,however, seems to like having their business appreciated at thanksgiving
Lots of good advice given above. Deciding exactly what type of work you want and who you want to work for are the first steps. Generating word of mouth (good referals) is the key in my plan. I've bought ads in sports and church bulletins, but I considered those donations. The one single thing that's brought me the most business is I was asked to do a seminar on box gutters by the local historic preservation society about 10 years ago. This fortunately just fell in my lap. There were probably 100 people in attendance. Everyone there owned a house with box gutters that were in need of replacement or repair. I am currently working on a project that I was referred on because of that seminar. Over the last 10 years, I've worked on almost everyone's house that was in attendance that day.
I've also gone the Habitat and Repair Affair route (not with the intention of finding jobs), and gotten several good contacts from them.
I do repairs on my church and that has informed other members that know my face of what business I'm in.
I've also got a local seamless gutter company that refers me when they get box gutter and cornice reconstruction calls. I probably get one good contact a month from them (I also get a lot of calls I don't want). Partnering with an established company doing something they don't want to do, but is right up your alley is an excellent way of getting business.
Also, when problems arise with a project, solve them somehow. I once had a customer that was going to sue me because of a box gutter leak. The design was bad from the beginning, but I had a "I can do it anyway" attitude. I should have walked away from this job before I started. I went back two years later and completely rebuilt the problem gutter and cornice the way it should have been done to begin with (I didn't do the carpentry origionally). Cost me several thousand dollars, but I used this guy for a reference for many years and he whole-heartedly refered me ( he sold the house a few years back).
Thanks to everyone for all the great advise. I plan on putting it to use right away.
think outside of the box,
Company truck, is it the usual Ford, Chevy, Dodge late model?
Try a vintage truck with your company name on it.. I see in Hemmings that you can buy a Ford Model A pickup for less than $10,000 in freshly restored condition. Drive it around town and I bet you get a lot of calls. (then you can sell it for about the same money after your campaign is over)
Do you have a job shack? Is your name and phone number all over it? Figure out who your potential clients are. Upscale, middle income starter homes etc. and figure out what whould interest each group..
The upscale guys might go for a sponsership of the local polo horse club or in the club newsletter of the local Ferrarri/ Aston Martin/ Jaguar. the middle income guys might like to see you advertise on the back of a golf score card at your local club. Starter home guys appreciate signs on bus stop benches etc..
Did you type that whole post up? If it were a flyer,.... it was so long......got about 1/4 of the way through, skipped down to the the bottom where I saw the hyperlink to your web site.......
Advertising does work, but it is ALL about matching ad expense to ROI and there is such a thing a negative advertising. ie. Spam, and.....?
Edit: clicked your link.....You are a spammer. You know that's against the rules of the board here? You even have source code blocking on your web side. Got to figure out how you did that one.
I think I'm going to forward this one on to "the appropriate authorities." Joe (not your real name)
Edited 3/25/2004 4:56 pm ET by WorkshopJon
Edited 3/25/2004 5:05 pm ET by WorkshopJon
Edited 3/25/2004 5:09 pm ET by WorkshopJon
atta boy , jon...
the large bold type annoyed me.. and the reiteration...
but i didn't read the tag line until you called him on it..
good work!Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
"good work!"
Already let the folks at Taunton know. Interesting how that guy posted after they all went home for the day.
I'm going to ask my wife when she gets home how they managed to block the HTML source code. That's a new one to me.
Not so sure what you two are so upset about? Please let me know. Did I or did I not answer the question?
Are you viewing the forum differently than I am? You made a comment about how large and bold the post was. On my screen all the posts are the same size. What am I missing here? Do all new forum members get treated this way?
Joe B.Full House RemodelingJPB Systems LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!
"The link to my site is in my signature that the forum allows me to use."
Why no identifying address or phone # if a legitimate business? Why the source code blocking?
And.....You use your first opportunity posting to promo your business. Pleeeeeease.
joeb.... since this is your first post.. you don't know the history.. there have been others who openly promoted their business of "professional development"...
there is a fine line.... don't step over it and no one will call you..
your font was large & bold..
almost to the point of shouting.. don't know why.. it just was
your tag line
<<<<<JPB Systems LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!>>>>
sounds a like like RK.. the guy that was finally run off...
you like flyers, fine.... works for a lot of people
Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Edited 3/25/2004 7:45 pm ET by Mike Smith
"You made a comment about how large and bold the post was."
No I did not...Time for a re-read.
BTW, many years ago, an ex-girlfriend's dad told me something (he owned a VERY successful ad agency on Madison Avenue), "If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck,......it's probably a duck."
Edited 3/25/2004 8:38 pm ET by WorkshopJon
petmonkey.... you chickensh*t !..
anyways.. i was so intrigued by your deleted post.. i clicked on the link... man.. you were right on...
you gotta spice that drone up.. you ain't from NC are you ?... jersey ?... new hampshire ?..... ohio ?Mike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Hey Mike,
Originally from Huntington, Long Island. Been here in Nc for 7 years. Sure glad I haven't lost that much of my accent yet.
Joe B.Full House RemodelingJPB Systems LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!
well, at least i had you surrounded....
our daughter and her husband are living in Charlotte... my wife and daughter both went to ElonMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
"Originally from Huntington, Long Island."
Thought I recognized the accent.............................
FWI, originally from Scarsdale, NY myself.
It's funny, when I go home to Long Island, people say I've lost my accent and I sound like a southern boy! Do you guys get that when you return home as well?
Joe B.Full House Remodeling &JPB Systems LLC. - Remodeling Marketing TacticsRemodelingRiches.com
Edited 3/28/2004 6:45 pm ET by JoeB
Today I received my first call that came from the Yellow Page ad.
And I also received my first bill.
Edit: I intended this to be addressed to all. Sorry.
Rich Beckman
Another day, another tool.
Edited 3/29/2004 10:31 pm ET by Rich Beckman
And.... was it a killer lead from a wealthy homeowner with good taste, or a horrendous tire kicker wanting a new kitchen for five bucks??
"was it a killer lead from a wealthy homeowner with good taste, or a horrendous tire kicker..."
Could be a killer lead!!!
North (out) of town. Long dead end road, very large lots, big homes, one with a gate and long drive past a pond.
House in question is vacant. Though I suspect it is inhabited by raccoon (lots of droppings around the welcoming chimney). Possible termite damage, and the woodpecker problem has been fought with for some time (some holes in siding, several places covered with small pieces of metal),
Needs a new roof, soffit, fascia, gutters. A couple of spots on the roof where holes have been poked by falling branches.
Customer also wants quote on siding. 9x18 screened porch needs new ceiling and floor (and some screens!)
Customer lives in Fort Wayne (about an hour away). I'm not up to speed on what's going on, but I'm guessing the place is worth a bundle if it gets fixed up.
Rich Beckman
Another day, another tool.
They don't live there... that's the best part!
Jon's been to my new circa:1680 house I'm restoring and adding onto here in "Cold Spring Harbor".
Next time yer in town give me a call via Email and I'll check you out for him. You have to look me dead in my eyes when I interigate you though.
We're all the BT Police here being that we've all been here so long.
Be family, be careful
andyMy life is my passion!
"Next time yer in town give me a call via Email and I'll check you out for him. You have to look me dead in my eyes when I interigate you though.
We're all the BT Police here being that we've all been here so long."
I was doing some surfing and.....too funny, Just click on both links.
Am I good or what?
Interesting that MSA1 and JoeBull $hit, vanished on the same day.
Edited 4/3/2004 5:29 pm ET by WorkshopJon
Edited 4/3/2004 5:34 pm ET by WorkshopJon
Edited 4/3/2004 5:35 pm ET by WorkshopJon
Yeah Jon ... you're a true genius!
Not sure what is too funny to you? I never said that was a picture of me on my web form... it's just a graphic of a guy holding a sign. What is your problem? Why do you have such a hard-on to find out that I'm this other person that you think I am?
I did not disappear anywhere. I'm still here and I still have posted around the forum. I don't have all the time that you do, because I run two businesses.
I hope you're enjoying yourself... Cause I'm getting a real kick out of how wrong you actually are :-) I've attached a real picture of myself. Hope you feel I'm a pretty as my mom thinks I am.
Lets spread more rumors about me... I'm Gay, I have three nipples and I'm in love with only one hunk of a man... You! Kiss me lover boy!______________________________________________________
Joe B.Full House Remodeling &JPB Systems LLC. - Remodeling Marketing TacticsRemodelingRiches.com
damn... and here i thot u were a blonde hunk...
i doneno... sometimes people get off to a bad start.. you seem ok to me...
and i know workshop is a good dude....
too bad you two have crossed swordsMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
as I said before....stop by my crib here in CSH and lets suck down a brew and jaw a bit.
WSJ and me have seen some pretty relentless people here.......
Lets just talk eye to eye.
I pride myself in being a street person and knwo what I see and feel.
No need really if ya don't wanna,cause I aint the brain police, just an open minded leftist.
Jon has some concerns that are valid and a half from past posters.
BTW....that web site sure looks tacky to me......so I'm siding with Jon bro. Sorry...I have to think he's right on the money......but who knows.
Be real
edit: actually your site is worse than tacky...its almost scarey.
"My life is my practice"
Edited 4/3/2004 8:14 pm ET by ANDY CLIFFORD(andybuildz)
>>I never said that was a picture of me on my web form
First thing you see.
View Image
First thing you hear.
"Hey, Joe Brennan here."
Oh, BTW Joe, you are telling a lie here.
View Image
I got all 15 of your images on my HD just by File/Save As.
Woops, I just deleted 'em. Actually I just deleted the Save As files. The images are still on my HD somewhere in Temporary Internet Files.
personally I would have lost the tie in the pic to prove I was a hip young dude ...
I would went more for a vacation/island look ... maybe have some real islanders in the background for effect ... it's all gotta be staged better ....
JeffBuck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Artistry in Carpentry
I'm not trying to have the best webpage in the world. I'm better with a hammer... (oop's nail gun :) I'm not trying to win awards with it. It's just a form for people who want some free information.
I'm sure you'll agree that there are worse looking webpages out there. No harm, I really have no time to be concerned about a few opinions, everyone is entitled to their own. I don't insist that everyone like it, look at it, or want to reply... it's there for those who need a bit more help.
I feel that some, on many forums I surf are more concerned about what others are doing then they are about dealing with real issues that people are asking - that actually need assistance. Some, may get off patting themselves on the back, trying to find out if I'm this other person- that no one seems to like. That's ok, not a big deal to me. Look around the forums you use and you'll see just as much bickering between people about issues that have nothing to do with the original post - then you do about the helpful posts. Every forum has a few people who don't get along.
I'm not saying that Jon and I don't even get along... because he thinks I'm the other person that he's been bickering back and forth with. I don't hold that against him. A few posts ago I left my phone number, he never called. I can't help that. He ask's what am I hiding - nothing!
I'm Joe BrennanMy Business is Full House Remodeling and JPB SystemsMY mailing address is 2054 Kildaire Farm Rd, Ste 426Cary, NC 27511919-669-9111 - 1-877-205-6647 xt 9000There is also a recording, similar to my site on xt 2000
The "right click," feature is a Java script demo that I used to show a friend how to deter most people from stealing the photos he has on his site. Most web users are not aware of "File, Save As," or "View, View Source," which also can be used to see the code - or even that files are always stored in your temp files. The reason I don't have my address or phone number of the webform is that it was taking up to much time. I was answering questions before people had a chance to read it. The purpose of the form is to have the report mailed out and then help and speak to people... after they've read it.
Yes Jon, I do have a system for remodelers to market their business and produce more profits. Is that criminal? My sole purpose is not for that. I like being involved and answering questions for people. I don't mention that in any of my posts... YOU DID! I just had a signature with a link. I even changed the sig, not to have it describe the link because I did not want to be targeted like the other guy. Jon, it appears your sole purpose is to put others down and discredit them.
(I know that is not your sole purpose, however, it does appear that way from your posts. Just like it appears to you, what you think my sole purpose is. I'm not here to satisfy you. I will not even defend myself to you any longer. It's actually wearing me out. I'm not angry, upset, or mad. It's childish to me, and I believe we all have better things to talk about then how much you hate me. I've never even met any of you.)
If anyone needs help with marketing their services, post them. Myself, along side others who have great information through experience will answer them. We'll all answer them in the best way we can, and I'm sure you'll find them helpful. But, to me, this stuff is way unproductive. Anyway... Go Georgia Tech (I pull for the ACC)______________________________________________________
Joe B.Full House Remodeling &JPB Systems LLC. - Remodeling Marketing TacticsRemodelingRiches.com
Like Mike Smith said, you don't know the history. There have been many occasions on this board where people have conversations with themselves, under various screen names, for no other reason than to promote there products or business.
You first post screamed this, and the folks a Taunton seemed to agree. I pretty much forgot about you till I stumbled upon that cheesy image in that travel site, which is similar to the one you use. If you are what you indeed say you, stick around, help others on this board, and all will be fine with me.
Well, thanks for the explanation. I see where you guys are coming from now. Sorry if it appeared that way. No harm done.
I guess it's like a Homeowners Association. Some of the rules or quarks they have seem petty but it's all for the good of the community. Talk at ya's soon.______________________________________________________
Joe B.Full House Remodeling &JPB Systems LLC. - Remodeling Marketing TacticsRemodelingRiches.com
OK... good... are you done now?
"Cause I'm getting a real kick out of how wrong you actually are ... ....... I'm Gay, I have three nipples and I'm in love with only one hunk of a man... You! Kiss me lover boy!"
BTW, proper grammar would be copying files from web pages IS illegal, not "are illegal" which it's not for the most part anyway.
Joe, you know what you are. I believe you came here with the primary intention to deceive whoever you could, in order to generate "business" for yourself, and that is your primary motivation for posting here.
Maybe over time, my opinion will change. I think maybe after post # 1000, when you have offered other poster's countless tips about what FHB really is.
Hey Jon, didnt realize I vanished. What are you implying?
I'm using Opera 7.1 and it opened up the source code with no difficulties.
Rich Beckman
Another day, another tool.
You're way off! What do you mean, Joe is not my real name. My post was far from spam. I know the rules. If you'd have read my entire post you would have plainly seen that all I did was answer the question about using flyers to promote remodeling services.
The link to my site is in my signature that the forum allows me to use. You are obviously threatened by my informative post. Seems you should be the one that is reported, for making false statements about who I am and that I'm spamming.
Spamming is posting the same information in multiple places throughout the forum. This was my first ever post on this forum so how can you assume that I'm spamming. Get over yourself and lets get back to the question that was asked... If you remember correctly it was about marketing - NOT about how you're the new forum police.
Oh yeah, to answer your question... I typed out this entire post as well!
Joe B.Full House Remodeling, LLC.JPB Systems, LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!
You are full of it, and you know it. Your first post was a promo. Who the #### are you trying to kid.
Whatever... Jon. We'll let the forum decide. When they do see that my name is in fact Joe Brennan, I live in Cary, NC, I own Full House Remodeling and I'm not spamming - will you be man enough to admit you were wrong?
Actually, I could care less what you think my post was or not. I answered the question. If you remember the original post from MSA1, he asked about marketing, and I quote, "What is everyone else doing?" All I did was tell him about the best way to use flyers and that community papers work well for me also.
Joe B.Full House RemodelingJPB Systems LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!
Joe, thanks for the flyer info. That was just what I was thinking, as far as door to door. I've tried posting in grocery stores but I have a competetor who tore mine down (at least I think it was him, mine was gone and his was still there).
Yeah, some people will rip them down. Hope you never get the urge to do that to them. It's not cool. Anyway, keep posting them, if someone rips them down put up another.
Consider what I said about the Home Owner Association newsletters as well. It really lets you target the neighborhoods that you wish to work in. Please let us know how things progress for you.
** Mike,
Oh, I see what you're saying. Some other guy got run off and you guys thought I might have been hiding behind a fake identity. If anyone wants to see that I'm really Joe Brennan, and not the other guy - or just want to chat - my phone number that Jon believes I'm afraid to reveal is 919-669-9111.
Joe B.Full House RemodelingJPB Systems LLC.RemodelingRiches.comTeaching Remodelers How To IncreaseSales & Profits Using Low-Cost,Effective, Profit Producing Marketing!
"The link to my site is in my signature that the forum allows me to use. You are obviously threatened by my informative post. Seems you should be the one that is reported, for making false statements about who I am and that I'm spamming."
See above........ ..!..
We had instant success with our yellow page advertising. So much so that we began advertising in an additional yellow page book.
Our situation may be a little bit different as we are in a pretty specialized business. So, basically we were the only ones listed under our headings.
We also had some decent success with what we call "canvassing." Driving around and copying down addresses of homes that fit our criteria and then mailing out laminated post cards to them.
Again, because we are in a specialized business, it's easy to pick out prospective clients when we drive by their houses.