I run my business as a D/B/A (I’m not incorporated or an LLC) I am licensed and insured and I run my books on the up and up. I just finished repair/renovation work on the exterior tinwork of a commercial storefront building (not my typical project). I tallied the bill when finished right in front of the bldg. owner. When I had the total I proceeded to calculate the tax. The bldg. owner said he didn’t think tax would be a part of this bill because it was a bldg. renovation. He said he would check with his bookkeeper and I said I woukld look into it as well. Anyone real good at running there own books who could give me some tax insight here as to whats correct?? Thanks in advance.
By the way, besides being a state of confusion, I’m also in the state of New York.
Edited 4/23/2003 8:35:25 AM ET by taylorsdad
probably depends where ya are.
I don't have to charge tax.
my mechanic does.
somehow there's a difference.
I don't even need a seperate tax ID number.
Buck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Fine Carpentery.....While U Waite
Down here, new commercial work is not taxed, repair/renovation is. No tax on the labor portion for residential renovation & repair, but the material is taxed.
Do it right, or do it twice.