Donate your knife sharpener to a Marine

In response to my thread asking for recommendations on knife sharpeners to send to some Marines in Iraq, Calvin suggested just asking for sharpener donations (and kicked us off by donating one himself). He also is offering the use of the Quittin’ Time PO box as a collection point.
To repeat the background info: My sister puts together care packages for US servicemen/women serving in Iraq. Over the past few months, she has sent boxes to all branches of the military serving over there, however the current group is a group of US Marines serving in Al Asad, Iraq. Her contact is a “ground support equipment division chief” GySgt. He has 55 men and 1 woman in his group (he refers to them as his “kids”). Gunny passes along lists of what his “kids” are looking for (stuff like chicken salad, tuna salad, snack cracker packs, Pop Tarts, Chex mix, body wash, cottonelle wipes, jerky, etc).
The item on the list that Julie is having problems tracking down is knife sharpeners. So anyone wanting to donate a sharpener, below is the address for the PO box Calvin is generously donating the use of as a collection point.
Quittin’ Time
P.O.Box 351
Maumee, Ohio 43537-0351
>Hi Me Again… Most of us are either carrying “bench made” push button folding knives or the folding version of the “k-bar” so no not your average pocket knife. 1 inch wide blade some have serrated sections and about 6inch blade. So I would have to say a “small” stone depending on what is referred to as small might end up in cut finger tips LOL hope that made sense ? hope knowing what we are trying to sharpen helps. … thanks for all the leg work 🙂 it>is very much appreciated ! I don’t know if envelopes get here any>faster or not. Mail coming in MOST OF THE TIME gets here within 5-10>days. Going out is an entire other story and there is still snail mail>floating somewhere from months ago that me and some of my guys sent back>home. Thanks again for everything and have a great weekend. Take care>tom>>Semper Fi,
Picture was from Feb 13th
“Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future.” — Dr. Dale Turner
Edited 3/23/2007 2:21 pm by JohnT8
Having been in the Army, I'm generally not big on supporting the marines.
But since it's your Sister I'll make an exception.
I think the last Army group she sent stuff to was over 100 people.
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." -- Dr. Dale Turner
Edited 3/23/2007 5:35 pm by JohnT8
O.K. - That's better.(-:
Q: Why does a women rub her eye's in the morning?
A: Because she doesn't have testicles to scratch.