I’m building a new front door for my house, and am curious as to accepted practices for beveling the lock side of the door. I’ll be mortising for a lockset, but want to be sure I should mortise first and bevel second. I’m thinking of setting the mortise a bit deeper than required, then bevelling so the leading edge of the lockset flange is just even with the leading edge of the mortise, while the back may be a bit proud of the flange.
This seems like it’d be much easier than bevelling first and then trying to mortise for the lockset body and flange. Without a perpendicular surface to register a drill or router bit from, it seems like it would be pretty tough to get straight.
What is commonly done?
Quite honestly, the bevel should be so slight, it just shouldn't matter.
That is of course that you are building a 1-3/4" door.
Using a jig to bore the lock, right?
It is a 1 3/4" door, and I am using a jig to rout/drill the mortise. I practised this on a scrap piece, and had a time getting the gain for the lockset flange nice and perpendicular to the door face, but not necessarily even with the bevelled edge of the door.
Just curious what production guys do for quality work with minimal finagling.
Thx, Rob
Good point, I hadn't thought of the trouble I'd create fitting the door by mortising first.
Hinge side is beveled a scant 1 degree; lock side is beveled about 2-3 degrees. Craig Savage has an excellent book on the subject as does Gary Katz.
"Sir, I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow" -- WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
I bevel both sides at 2 to 3 degrees, wonder what most people do?
Doug........ Both sides get the same 2 or 3 degree bevel. It's the way I was taught and the way I prefer after years of work. On the latch side it allows the door to clear the jamb as it swings shut. On the hinge side it prevents hinge binding from jambs being slightly racked, imperfect mortises, or over time paint build up. Oh sorry I forgot, it's a perfect world, those things never happen !!! ( LOL )