Ok, first off. I realize I mispelt the photo captions as chineys instead of chimneys…the job at 3 Chimneys Horse Farm. Too lazy to retitle them.
Grant got us started on some 18 dormers that are barrels. I like barrels, round is good. We have NO, zero, zip, nada…artistic license. Like the arch drew it as it is to be, like it or not. We would have loved to do standing seam, with a cool ridge, but..it has to be flat seam. Oh, well.
Lemme try attaching a pic before I get too into the details, some times it works, sometimes it don’t.
Here goes a shot of our new brake and ugly trailer Dale and I share.
Ok that worked, now the fun begins..oh, it was a little muddy.
We had started out in the back..good thing cuz we switched horses in mid stream.
We were attaching the bottoms of the pans to a “cleat” that we screwed just above the tops of the step flashing, and “prepping” a lock on the bottom of the pan to be tonged and hammered watertite. It took longer than we liked, and we also hated the hammer tracks at the shingle line and it got to looking like this…
So put on our hard hats, I mean thinking caps and employed our new brake, to devise a way to outsmart the ugly. We did the trial run kinda behind Grants back…but forgiveness is easier to get than permission, so went for it. and got something that we liked, that looked like this..
So when we decided to tell Grant, he gave the nod to proceed..thank god. We now save a LOT of cleat,rivets, soldering hammering and TIME. We have 2 weeks to finish..yeah, right. We compleated one in a third the time and it looks mahvellous. Here is a shot of the end of today.
Another change we made is the finisher to close the top ( ridge) and the intersection of that ridge to the shingles..we had double cleated and added a locked down “skunk stripe” and soldered in a sectional valley. That took too long too, so we decided to make a BIG pan out of a sheet of 24″x 60″ and custom form it in one piece ( hard to do, belive me) and lock it to the last run of full pans. Then at the apex, we will over lap the pans, add rivets where needed, and solder the whole thing shut..saving hundreds of rivets. and avoiding this look..View Image
Thats where we stand today, I didn’t get a pic of our new one piece finisher, I thought I had a shot, but I was getting pretty tired at the end of the day, I still have a sinus infection going on.
Any way, I hope ya like what ya see…we have a plan to modify the first two we did that look ugly. Just rivet on a fake front..ta da..fixed. More to come soon.
Your loving inmate# 40735 at Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
” I press my lips against her name”
As I remember more, I thought I forgot one of my favorite two pics...crimping the curves, and the final closer look see.
Grant, we can shoot out 3 small ones in a day this way. Pretty shure 2 big ones in a day...14 left to do.
I use downspout crimpers with three lips...View Image
gives a nice crimp.View Image
Not hammering the snot outta that bottom, keeps some of the oil canning to a limit as well. A good time was had by all..and it won't leak.
Inmate #40735.
so sweet...
" I press my lips against her name"
As always, beautiful work. Damn shame your work isn't next to a slate roof.
Thanks, we're getting better at outsmarting the ugly. Now if we could outsmart the mud and wind. Yesterday was like roofing in the back of a pickup truck at 60 MPH...a coulple pans folded in the gentle breeze..yikes.
Hey, this jail time must be good for me, I am getting the work here at the house done too...hmmm, nah..I won't try for another sentance. LOL" I press my lips against her name"
Looks good. How much overlap do you shoot for on the flashing for the curved part of the barrel?
What % silver do you and Grant use?
Chuck Slive, work, build, ...better with wood
Over the step flashing? Our steps crawl up about 3" on that leg, wider under the shingles, say 4". So the bottom we add is above that and free of the steps ( for future, ease of R&R) . We are shooting for the width of our snip handles ( how that for a number? LOL) above the shingles, so too much of the steps don'r show.
Silver? What silver? If ya mean the solder, it is 50/50 Tin/lead." I press my lips against her name"
I guess I was thinking about our tinners using silfloss.
Chuck S
live, work, build, ...better with wood
Edited 3/20/2007 9:17 pm ET by stevent1
Yeah, lead is pricey. And soldering gets tedious on a half round. At least it ain't 95 degrees out there yet." I press my lips against her name"
I thought you didn't like the rain and mud? Now you don't like the sun and heat either? When its single digits and snow on the ground, I'll trade you that for 95 any day. Well, I guess 95 working with highly reflective copper right in front of you gets.. well hot. lol
Yeah, we're a hard lot to please. (G)Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Bump for you. It case it fell off the radar.
Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Nice work!
Don't tell anyone there but I kinda copied our "new" logo from Three Chimneys logo about 8 years ago. I hope they don't mind.Legal Disclaimer: The preceeding comments are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as professional advice. The reader of these comments agrees to hold harmless the poster, EJCinc, from any and all claims that EJCinc offered professional advice, ideas, or comments to the reader that may or may not have resulted in the damage, injury, or death to the readers property or person.
That place is a happening farm ...We can leave our brake and tools out, cuz they have a serious security team, and 1/2 hour patrols. I am impressed. And, I won't breathe a word.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
It almost looks like ya know what you're doing.(-:
So often times it happens...that we live our lives in chains...And we never even know we have the key [The Eagles]
Yeah, we almost know what we are doing, but as soon as we know, we change our minds and do something else.
Dale and I and a trio of part time help, have been doing gutters almost all winter...I mean job after job of gutters.
The first helper went to a new job, he was a good guy and all, but kinda special...IYKWIM.. the second was a laid off roofer, but a commercial rubber guy ( no clue about gutters, or any thing about copper) and the third was Dales "sweetie"..a mother of three..they spent all day necking or fighting.
Now it is back to just he and I, and we rock. I love him like a brother, and I know he feels the same..when Grant gives us some rope, we don't hang ourselves ( often) we braid it into a solid business accumen...and Grant is the center braid, with out him, we are just guys that like to play around with copper. Grant makes us actually work at being attentive to customers.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Sounds like a good team, the three of you.
Barrels look great.
So when's Pyramidfest?Remodeling contractor who once visited the Glass City.
That would be Spheramid-fest. But I blew it 2 yrs. ago. When I had a plan that failed...property set backs, lack of funds, lack of time...that woulda coulda been a blast, I just shot my ____ too fast.
I'd like to host one, but I need to work on the schematics of it all with a micro-scope, before I shoot off my hair brained Ideas, again.
My wife is returning to the work force ( out of retirement and SS funds) and has a pretty good scheme..she will have a real salary. This may allow me to get someone else to do some of the major projects here completed, while I am still keeping on with sub contracting to Grant, and working along side Dale.
If any of those two ( Grant/Dale) leave the equation, I am on my own...that'll be back to wood working, which, does not have the same appeal that it once had.
I just was telling the wife, that, I worked with Roy Underhill, when I was green, I worked with Michael Dresdner, when I got better, I worked and made Guitars for Paul McCartney, etc..when I got good..I made it to what I called the top.
I moved here 3 yrs ago, I knew no one..I left NC with a stash of cash, bought the shack, moved in, went broke, and got a job with the best...then I rose to the top with that too...I like it.
I do that..I find a place to do something new, learn it, and when it fades, I lather , rinse, and repeat.
If my body co-operates, I guess I will head towards re-visiting, something like timber joinery and frame erection, except at my level of exp. I'd not be the "humper" all day,I'd whittle big ones into little ones.
I don't know...I might make copper bird houses..LOL Or the first guitar I drew...thats the beauty of it all, a new life comes along every minute, pick one.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
You the man. Keep it up. Nothing better than work that has your heart...except family of course. Remodeling contractor who once visited the Glass City.
I thought you were in the penalty box.We may have to redo that first dormer.You guys came up with the vinyl siding method of copper roofing - it'll keep it from oilcanning later. I like it.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
Wait, it gets better. Here is how we figgured out the finisher method..I made a wood mallet or "bonker for my sand bag here at home...and we minorly releived the finisher pan like this...View Image
And here is my Fred Flintstone bonker and a finished view..of course we will slip some tabs behind the reliefs and give it a shot of solder....
View Image
Then we hijacked the boom lift to make a pattern for ya...of the Parapet tops...so I took a shot from 60' up, up and away...
View Image
You might see Dale's Jeep down there...wide open, so we had a guard dog keeping things cool...
so natch,I titled the pic, "Miss Daisy Driving"...LOLView Image
Yeah, it is just like running J channel sort of, the CU is free to be floating, but it still is challange on the longer pans, to keep them un kinked...and the WIND out there is crazy....I think the bonker makes a prettier seam having a wider face than a steel hammer, fewer peccker trax...now Dale wants me to make him one..I might as well make one for you too while I am at it...pretty handy mallet to have.
Glad you approve of our madness..(G). Thanks Grant, we couldn't do it without you, ya know?
Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
That miss Daisy sure is a nice site dog. And the work is awesome.
Your crew is one of the many here (BT) that I'd pay to work for, just for the knowledge and skills to be gained, and the joy of working with beautiful materials and on fine homes.
so we had a guard dog keeping things cool...
That there is a dawg.
"Some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom and success of the future." -- Dr. Dale Turner
That there is a Rhodesian Ridge back..a breed that was used for hunting lions. She was beater dog, had the spirit whupped out her, by a former owner. Dale rescued her from certain death by abuse.
She is as gentle as a soft towel, and if you look into her eyes, you can still see the troubles see visits.
But she always greets me in the morning with waggles and licks, I love her like I love my own dog.
That same day, we were lunching down the road, a woman walks in an said to the owners of the eatery..." I like your new gaurd dog on the patio"....I looked at Dale, he looked at me..and we both said " WHOOPS, IT"S DAISEY" in perfect harmony with the chairs feet sliding on the floor,,,as we dashed up to get her back into the jeep.
As much as I love her, she ain't the brightest bulb on the tree, but I do think she trys at least..that is her character and nature..try, but no sucess...at least she still has the will, to try...that is comendable.
I can't take my knuckle head to a horse farm with zillions of $ on the hoof, he's a herder..he'd have all the Stallions bunched up in a corner, breaking legs...while he nips at the heels. Altho, I did take him to the site on that fancy azz gutter job we did...he got in the boom lift with us, and went up 40', got out and walked a 10/12 roof, like it was water..smiling the whole time.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
That breed of dog is really cool. I encountered one for the first time last year on a job. Very gentle and loving breed in my first meeting with one. As well as good looking dog.
This dog sat and watched me work, when I got down off the ladder it followed me around. Finally I called the dog when I was on the ladder, it climbed up the ladder to come hang out. No joke. It was really cool. I wanted to take it home with me.
Anyway, really cool project you have going. Great looking work. You done yet? Thoughts determine what you want,Action determines what you get
Yeah, Ridgebacks can go either way. I had a contractor buddy who had one, and every frigging morning that dog'd attack my white styrofaom coffee cup..I mean, I am not as tall as you, but I can reach 8' easy.
This dog would "greet" me every morning...by jumping up and snapping out the bottom of the hot coffee...all the while his owner in a bathrobe, yelling..." BOOGER! BOOGER! STAY DOWN BOOGER"
That dog was dense as a cloud. Hot coffee, all over his face. Mon-Fri.
No, we ain't getting done any faster than we can. Grant had a copper shortage, early on, and we had weather today. And the PM said we had 4 days to "kick it" on Tuesday, horses mooving in 4/1. I think the guy is smoking bugs...he is beyond stems and seeds.
Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
The horses may get to watch you guys finish.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
I had a ridgeback once, but parvo-virus got him before he grew up. Great dog.I had a half wolf once that followed me up a ladder.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Just as long as he doesn't threaten to huff and puff and blow the house down.
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."-- Mother Teresa
Ok, yet a new plan..we need a stretcher, like you have in the shop..someting to get the male locks to play nice...keep the pan width the same, but we are fighting the radius.
That radius is the MOST we can pull out, on the shorter end. the long ends( Fronts) are killers, It wants to kink up at 1/3 and 2/3 of the bend, and we are re-cutting the angle at the roof, 1.5"/to 0"..from the long point to nuthin on the short.
BUT, here's the deal, it ain't us being off pattern, the face of the dormers are not plumb, nor consistant, to the plane of the roof. The trim we attached the DE to is packed out in various places, in relation to the sheathing/framing of the dormer, which throws us out of concentric...even left and right sides seams are hard to match up at the ridge, because the face of the dormer is catty whaumpss.
Now that we found the discreptancancy.
I wonder if we ought not start the other end and work out to a finisher at the DE? Just chew it off where ever it lands?
Ahhh..This is where ya tell me, we already have the fronts made.
11 to go...lets think.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
How far apart do you and seeyou live?
Do you two ever, or have you ever met?
I'm just curious of the logistics on your jobs/homes. I take it that your not close because you do most of your shop talk here.
Not complaining mind you, but since I dont have a freaking clue what your talking about my mind is wondering off on something else!
I live about 25 miles from him. We're in constant ( too constant for him probly) contact daily by Nextel radio. I tripped ( odometer) this job, and it is 128 miles round trip, but his shop is closer to the site. Either he delivers our mats. or Dale who lives ten minutes away from the job and Grant's..picks up.
I have about 2.5 hours a day behind my steering wheel..depending on traffic. But this one is sweet, it is all Interstate @ 75-80 Mph.
We catch up here on BT, cuz during the day he is like that guy that has plates on sticks spinning...and Dale and I pretty much can't hear, or have our hands full.
Also, I getto review the days pics, and ponder new ideas, when I am comfortable, eating dinner and cruising here.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
>>>>>>>>>I take it that your not close because you do most of your shop talk here.Where Sphere lives is cell phone wasteland and he has dialup internet. So, If he's online, I can't get him on the phone. If I know he's on here, we can catch up without playing phone tag. I've got three other crews besides Dale and Duane plus I've been doing a lot of walk in fabrication business lately, so that spinning the plates on a stick analogy is a good one. So, after all the other fires are put out for the day, I can catch up with Duane as I peruse the daily adventures of the BT superheroes.http://logancustomcopper.com
"We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"
And Duane is thinking of bailing on the nostril roto-rooter right quick...I talked w/ mom, she had it 3 times...it ain't a fun party.
But then again, she doesn't know what she is wearing, and today is her birthday.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Nice work.
How ya gonna get the mud out of the shingles?
Rain ain't gonna do it.
There, I said it.
WHICH content will be free, of course; WHICH content will require registration; but WHICH content will be available only to members of FineHomebuilding.com.???
Not my problem. If the GC had a clue, he woulda provided gravel or manure for all I care. That is where the men meet the boys...they want a date to finish, and I got a bobcat moving clay at my ladder..well, duh?
Don't like the mud? Fix it before I get there...case closed. See it and get whacked out about it? Fix it. Still don't fix it? You get mud on the roof.
Although, it does make it dicey..but it's a 6/12..and greasy is something we deal with a lot.
They coulda helped with straw, but it wasn't important enough for us "Lowly Roofers". Thats why I have a 400$ Miller Harness...but even if I did do a Brodie, I'd land soft..LOL.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Since Robert Clay owns Three Chimneys, it's only right that you include him in your project by grinding a bit of "him" into the asphalt shingles.
I tell ya, I like your threads. And no, not the ones you're wearing.
These pictorials are great to follow.
Next roof on my own house will be metal.
Best to you, Mongo
Hey body guard..
Good to see ya again, like my prison stripes? Don't be getting any ideers,,,I ain't yo ----------tch.
See? I gotta walk like a blind hemophiliac in a razor blade factory around here.
I think you may be outta a job, my friend..I am 6'4" and my 15 ( soon to be 16) little girl, just topped me...she is 6'5"..
I went thru all the crap of " how's the weather up there" et al.
This is gonna be a tuff one for her, and me..She is headed to early collitch, and bio/astro physics........but the more I see, the more I want to control..you know the drill, be a DAD, and such...dammit I wish she lived here,and went to UK, so I could control the grabby bastids that want her.
No, she won't play bassetball, just like me didn't.
Yes, she is a 10, just like I ain't.
I love ya Mongo........................................
but yer fired.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
I haven't see a pic of Pam in a long time. Is she the one who's now 6'5" tall ???If you wanna post one or email it to me, I'll make sure Carl sees it.(-:BTW - Last night Carl said he's thinking of going into some sort of engineering. I hope he does - I think he'd make an outstanding engineer.
I have the body of a God. (buddha)
I have a " head shot" she is using for modelling applications...uh...I gotta ask her if it's ok to show it.
She is having some leg problems ( which I did too) like growing pains ( as my folks told me, it was)..she is getting more shy about her physique, and gettin the boobage, makes her even more so, self contained.
We don't talk too much, she comfuses me to no end....
I asked her how to network my LT to my DT and all I got was an "OHHHHH DAD..you are so stupid sometimes, just do______________blah, and reboot"
" and oh. BTW I need $$$$"
Trust me, Carl better find a good job ,,,,unless he wants to be a Mr. Mom...she has plans.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
If she's uncomfortable having her pic shown around, by all means don't post it or email it to me. I enjoy seeing pics of people's kids. But not if it makes someone feel uncomfortable..Funny thing - My oldest Son (Chris) is thinking about architecture. Last night I told Carl maybe they could work together. Chris could design lavish buildings, and Carl could tell him they won't work.(-:
I find it difficult to reminisce with people I don't know.
Yeah..kids. I about went ape poop when she told me of the nose ring/or stud.
I asked her.." did it hurt?, did ya sneeze? or WHAT?" I think I got her temper when I asked " so, can ya still pick your nose"?
Boss, I ain't saying this cuz she is my kid....I am not, but she is a TDF...( to die for) beautiful young woman. I just wish that she wasn't stuck up in PA.
Enough Hijack...do you make dormer trusses?Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
I'm not a fan of body piercings either. Don't really understand why they're so popular.I like that you asked her if she could still pick her nose. (-:Yes, we do occasionally make dormer trusses. But not too often. Most of the time dormer sizes aren't called out on the plans we get. So unless the framer tells us what size he wants ther's no point in guessing.
It takes months do devolop a good customer, but only seconds to lose one.
The good news is that we'll be out of them in no time.
Good for her!I was undergrad chem enjineering, masters in applied math and fisiks.There weren'y many girls in pure and applied sicneces or engineering, but those that were? Nothing like a girl who ain't afraid to show and use her smarts.And nothing like a tall girl who isn't afraid to be tall. That may sound silly, but she'll come to realize that her height is an asset, not a liability. Unless she wants to ride the space shuttle. I certainly understand it can be a bit akward at her age, but it sounds like she has her stuff together.Where's she planning on going to school?We're starting to make the college rounds with my daughter, she's looking at a few places. Heading to Boston and Montreal in a couple weeks to check out a few places.Fired? Fired??I'm on my way to get my back pay...and if you don;t have it ready, I'm gonna (drum roll for my favorite Sphere quote)...I'm gonna drive you like a tack!
That was A tack with a sledge hammer, no?
Smart azz goil is headed to Boston, that fancy pants place...kinda look like an "H".
I tried man, I tried to get her to Annap ( my alma matter), and take the wings towards the nasa program...but she is focusing on the bio eng/astro...for now.
Man, I am pretty schmart, but what she is doing scares the hell ouutta me..two majors at once?
Disclaimer: I have had almost no caregiver status in this girl's upbringing, I just contributed the DNA and cash.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
You were a Navy boy?Why didn't I know that already?Why Navy? Couldn't get into the Air Force?<g>Actually, to get into NASA, she stands a better chance as a mission specialist rather than a pilot.But she may be too tall. Seriously.I needed two waivers to get into single-seat fighters in the air force. One for butt-to-top of head, the other for butt-to-kneecap. Both in order to fly anything witht an ejection seat. First waiver was because as the seat went up the rails my head would hit the canopy before the shark fin on the seat, the second was because my upper legs were a little long, so my knee caps might get sheared off.Ouch.NASA likes their boys and girls to be 5'6" to 5'10". Max height is 6'4". They wouldn't take waivers. At least not way back when.Sounds like you have a nice girl there, and more importantly, she has things sorta figured out.And no, I'm not gonna use a sledge hammer. I'M gonna drive the tack!<g>
I gotta get out the door RIGHT NOW. But your post reminded me..thats why I chose the Navy, tyhe AF gave me the same drill..too tall for an Eagle, but Navy said I could fit in a TomCat...but I wound up in a P-3A Orion.
Later, I gotta zip.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Didnt David Robinson (San Antonio Spurs) have the problem with his height at Navy? He started college at 6' 6", or there abouts and then grew to 7' 1 or 2" therefore being way to tall to fly. I thought he got out of Navy based on that, maybe they just let him go do to his ability to earn the big bucks, not real sure on that anymore.
Wikipedia on David Robinson and the Navy...
Upon graduation, he became eligible for the 1987 NBA Draft and was selected by the San Antonio Spurs with the first overall pick; however, the Spurs had to wait two years before he could join them because he needed to fulfill two years of Navy duty.
In a mildly controversial, yet understandable move, the Navy excused him from three years of the normal five years of his military commitment following graduation from the Naval Academy because his height prohibited his deployment in many roles (e.g. aviation, the submarine corps, and many ships). Nonetheless, Robinson continued to serve in a reserve role with the Navy and was regularly featured in recruiting materials for the service. Despite the nickname "Admiral", Robinson's actual rank upon fulfilling his service commitment was Lieutenant, Junior Grade.
"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce
Thanks, I knew there was some deal made about his height, didnt recal the details though. I sorta knew that he got out early, or at least got to play ball sooner then originally expected.
Smart move on the Navys part, public relations and all, bet they could use some of that right now, recruiting being what it is!
Hey, Doug. Yea, his is a pretty amazing story. He was a Math major an Navy.
The services are really hurting, especially the Army. They're promoting officers early to fill losses and promoting a higher percentage than they want becuse they're losing so many officers. The next president is going to inherit a real mess.
Take care...
"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce
There have been several athletes that have been given sort of sweartheart deals after coming out of the military academies.Robinson was one. They let him out of his active duty commitment and had him serve out his time in the reserves, doing PR work, appearances for the Navy, etc. There was a bit of commotion over him being let out of his service commitment, but part of it also stems from the fact that he could have withdrawn from the Naval Academy right up to graduation, with no commitment to the military whatsoever.The "he's too tall to fly or be on a sub" justification really ticked off a lot of people in the Navy, as only a small percentage of officers actually do fly or serve on subs. People have bad eyes, they can't fly. But they can do other things. Too tall? He can go "fly a desk."So these deals help both sides, public relations wise. The service academies get great press during the athlete's career and good PR appearances afterwards, the athlete gets his education, fulfills his military commitment as it is, and still gets a pro sports career. He may lose a year or two, but it's all balance I suppose.Napoleon McCallum got less relief for his football career.Both were non-pilots, so they would have normally incurred something like a 4 or 5 year commitment.They both differed from Chad Hennings. He won the Outland Award as the best lineman in college football while playing at the Air Force Academy. He was drafted by Dallas.He went to pilot training, and when he came through I think it was up to an 8 year commitment. He was one of my students in the A-10. Super guy, very nice. He served about 3 years before being cut loose to play for the Cowboys.A lot of the time the Academies know what they are getting up front with these athletes. These guys get a great education...no slack for athletes at the academies...and then their active duty commitments are changed over to time in the reserves, and their reserve duty is normally public relations for the military and promoting the service academies.
I think I was the last one to fit into an F-4, that woulda been '80. Damm good bird, a shame they scuttled them....thats how I got my " less than Honerable" papers..long story. (G)Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
I think to this day that the F-4 is the meanest looking bird. Looking at that thing nose-on with the turned down snout?Pretty darn bueno.I HAVE to make it back to KY for some conversation, and yes, the beer will be on me.
I'll be here buddy. Mom has my best picture of me with a 4, hanging on her wall..when I get her moved into a home, I'll get them pics back.Inmate # 40735 At Taunton Federal Penitentiary.
Oops.The last bunch of posts now officially qualify as a "tangent."I wanna see more copper.Sorry!