I was interested in your dicusion on the double wall. The way I would build this wall is. The first wall would have two layers of
1 1/2″ of poly foam. then I would layer 5/8″ sheeting on outside with a layer of tyvek. then on the outside I would layer 2 1″ sheets
under the siding. On the inside I would layer a 1″ poly sheet horizintally. This would be covered by a 1/2″ Gyp board painted.
Then then the inner wall would be added for the utilities. This would create a thermal barrier amd a fire barrier. and would be
nice and warm and would befire proof. I’m still looking for ideas as to the top plate to address the thermal probrem. maybe use
steel Truss plates to reduce heat transfer.
This is my two cents to this problem!
What dimensional lumber?
Your wall has a layer of 5/8 ply, where's the lumber? What's the siding attaching to? What siding?
With 6" of foam, why not just a 2x6 wall and spray it with foam?
What's the Tyvek doing in the middle of all that foam?
This idea needs to go away, start over.
Need your location to help, heating or cooling climate?
Joe H