Drain pipe type for under paver use

Question… I’ll be installing a concrete paver patio and need to run a drain line for downspouts underneath the pavers. Since I’ll be embedding this in the gravel base for the pavers (and compacting), what pipe should I use for this? SDR 35? Or is the standard coiled black corrugated drain pipe suited to this? Note… The patio will never see a load other than people/lawn furniture (i.e. no lawn tractors driving across it, etc). Thoughts? Thanks!
I would use the sch. 35. Since you are going to compact the base, seems like that would hold up better than the flexible black.
What ever you use, make sure you use glued joints. Slip in joints allow roots to get inside.
And don't forget to cover the pipe with landscaping cloth to keep migrating stone dust and other dirt and debris from filtering down around the pipe and clogging up the drainage area.
I'm all in favor of fabric sleeves for perforated drain pipes, but if it's just downspout runoff, I'd run solid pipe until it daylights away from the house.
Just as an FYI, I have found that sometimes fabric "sox" on pipe, depending on soil type will clog and greatly impede the passage of water into the pipe - especially with clay soils.
I agree but I didn't get the impression from Rusty's original post that he planned to vent the pipes to the outside. I figured he planned to have them dead end under the patio.
So, my thought was to insure that he had a good quality drain field that was preserved as long as possible. And that was the reason I suggested a covering of landscape cloth - to prevent the encroachment of silt and fine dust/dirt into the drain field.Griff
Personally, I don't think the black corrugated stuff would work too well. Too much flex when you are trying to get a very firm base, plus the ribs tend to make debris accumulate inside and you sure don't want the thing to end up clogging up.
SDR 35 sewer pipe would be fine but I'm not sure about the availability of it and the fittings - the only advantage I can think of is that you can take it apart later if you want to.
I'd use 4" either sched 30 or sched 40 PVC. Sched 30 would save a little $$$ but sched 40 might be more readily available. Or, you might want to use 6" depending on how many downspouts and/or sq ft of roof you are draining. 6" can get pricey though.
I'd want maybe at least 4" of cover over the pipe to prevent a bump later when the gravel settles but the pipe does not.
sch 40
Depends on how much cover, but even with that it would be pretty hard to crush a corrugated plastic with a compactor if the pipe is below the top of the gravel.
Now I'm talking about a plate compactor not a jumpin jack.
Do you look to the government for an entitlement, or to GOD for empowerment. BDW
So how did the project turn out? Did you ever get any setteling above the drainage pipe?
So how did the project turn out? Did you ever get any setteling above the drainage pipe?