My neighbor told me that the previous owner found that the builder forgot to vent it out of the house and the pipe just ended in the kitchen ceiling, so the builder fixed the problem by going through the unfinished basement and went out under the deck.
Is this a code violation and is it safe to have a large hole for the vent in the ledger board.
Thanks for your help.
KLE, as far as I know it's not a safety violation, provided the ledger is properly supported on either side of the vent. You may find some problems with mold or mildew on the deck, however. Is it possible for you to run the vent to the outside edge of the deck?
I hope the vent you are referring to is the actual dryer vent and not the gas /flue vent.If it is the dryer vent ........seems like blowing all of that hot-moist air under the deck could cause early framing failure not to mention how uncomfortable it would be in the summer time sitting out there with all of that coming up through the decking.This could also cause the deck finish /sealer to fail.
I think the answer is, it depends.
My dryer vent exits the house under my back porch, and has been that way for nearly 20 years. I haven't noticed any problems at all with deterioration, but it's well ventilated under there - the porch deck is about three feet off the ground, with lattice around the perimeter. The floor joists are treated and the floor is 5/4 x 6 cedar boards with space between each one. Also, I live in Minnesota where it's not overly humid, and I don't have kids so I'm not doing laundry every day.
As long as you have plenty of air flow underneath your deck it probably will be ok.