Wanted to run by the PROS to what extent in REAL LIFE it is possible to re-sand the 3/4 engineered floor with top hardwood veneer at 4mm. Can it be done only 1 time, or if done professionally, re-sanding can be done up to 3 times.
I live in the high humidity area, and am trying to figure out whether to go with engineered floor for its stability or to go with regular 3/4 hardwood floor.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Thank you, Alla
Delete your other post, so it's not confusing.
Well, 4 mm isn't much..................
is it?
I'm an inch guy.
In many cases a screening is enough to do to a floor that's thin and in need of making look like new again.
Now, if you are hard on abuse, you might need thicker floor to actually use a drum sander. The less intrusive orbitals won't take as much off quickly.
And remember, you can go down to near the tongue, but not too darn close. How many mm's is that in the scheme of things.
Thin strip oak floor in homes of the 50's and 60's had even thinner top groove thickness than many of the eng. floors of today.
4mm is 5/32", if I did my
4mm is 5/32", if I did my math right, or a hair over 1/8". (Must be right because 8mm film is very near the same width as 1/4" audio tape -- you use the same reels for both.)
Well then I guess it would be close to the same
wear layer as that old style 3/8's strip flooring.
After you beat the snot out of it, you could do what our fathers did.
Lay carpet and staple the hell out of the pad.
Yeah and then when you sell it, some realator will tell a young bride there are hardwood floors under the carpet that will look great refinished.......and some other sucker will get stuck refinishing them. Its the circle of life.