EPA Rule opt-out clause, Expiration Date?
I have a project here in Tennesse where the new EPA lead provision is very much going to be on the table (pre ’78 structure). I and my company are EPA certified, but the client is interested in the opt-out provision.
I have been told that the opt-out provision is expiring, and you can read about said expiration on the EPA site now. No one in my area, including my HBA chapter, can give me a straight answer on this–when or how the expiration of the opt-out clause will take effect. My understanding is that if the opt-out provision is still in-effect when I have the homeowners sign it– Before the supposed July 1 deadline of its expiration (the best target date I have heard)–then the opt-out will stand.
I want to be sure about the nuances of this for the project ahead of me, so any insight anyone can share is much obliged.
Peace and Hammers,
You're right with the July (?) deadline for the ending of the opt out. And it is written up in the Fed Reg. release from sometime early May. By now they might have an excerpt explanation on the EPA site.
However, if I had a question I would contact the instructors of the class I took in Feb. They have been forthcoming with any answers to questions I have had. Send your instructors or the company they worked under an email.