Here’s what I did today:
The left side is already cleaned with with a 50/50 solution of muriatic acid and the right side is what is looked like before.
Here it is all done:
I was pleasantly surprised at how effective a mild solution of hydrochlric acid is. I rinsed it thouroughly with fresh water, but I didn’t use any soda ash to neutralize it. Do I need to? And can I use baking soda or do I really need soda ash? I don’t even know where to get some.
I've never had to.
just keep washing with water.
Two or three rinsings seem fine.
That said I usually use a fairly week
solution of acid. If yours was strong rinse more.
Woops just reread your post.50/50 is
a stiff drink. I think water is still fine,
but rinse it very well.
Edited 4/8/2008 7:36 pm ET by Henley
yep fitty/fitty is pretty hot. rinse plus rinse somemore and more.. muratic is a weaker solution of hydroclorlic acid . what were you trying to do etch " exposing new brick face "or just clean them.
I wanted to clean them. They had been plastered over and the plaster was quite stuck to the face of the brick which will now be left exposed.
I did 50/50 water/muriatic acid mix. Did I go too hot? It worked well and I rinsed pretty thoroughly, but I was a little concerned about leaving acid behind, but I don't know what would happen if I did.