OK, picked up an old 10″ Craftsman RAS for $20 at a garage sale today, almost new 60 tooth Freud blade on it which I will keep, no ethics there, a no brainer for buying the saw.
I told the seller that he could send in the motor and carriage to emerson for the $100 bounty – he did not want to bother, so no ethics problem in taking advantage of an un-informed seller.
Am I ethical to send it to Emerson and make an $80 profit for 15 minutes work taking the carriage off and putting it in the UPS provided box?? $80 for 15 min is a little over day job pay rate. No need to keep the RAS, already have 4 others in better shape in various shops.
Own thinking is it is ethical, as Emerson gets one more of them out of the system?
Ethics 2 question. Should I use part of the $80 to buy a round of brew at the Seattle microfest after JLC Live in Octtober? <G>
So why did you buy it ... for the blade?
I don't see any problem with you collecting the bounty from Emerson. It's your saw, you gave the seller first option, and it does get one more saw off the market.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
The only ethics problem I see is that you will not be sharing that beer money with the East Coast guys as well. But I guess you'll just have to live with that.
Pardon my dim-wittedness, but what is this $100 bounty all about? You're talking about sending in some old saw parts and they float you a Benjamin for your troubles? What gives with that?
Got me curious too. Looks like a recall, sorta like one of those inner-city handgun drives where the police give some money to anyone who turns in a piece.
Art, the ethical issue will arise if you don't buy a round at the JLC Live MicroFest. We'll all be wondering how you justified spending the money on something else. As far as the saw recall goes, you get the money for being better informed. Knowledge is power.
After a little searching I found this, I was wondering what it was about also.
http://www.radialarmsawrecall.com/We are the people our parents warned us about. J. Buffett
"If the saw is not retrofitable (certain 10" and all 8", 8ΒΌ" and 9" Saws), the owner must return the radial arm saw carriage/motor assembly to Emerson to receive the $100."That is not automatic.You can ONLY get the $100 for models where they don't make a retrofit guard..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
I got the new guard, and a GREAT 1-1/8" tableboard - several years ago - works fine.
I didn't realize there was ethics still in use in this business. For every dollar that evaded federal taxation the evading individual needs to question his ethics. Seems like the yard sale ethics is of such tiny concern over the other aspects of ethics.
I hate that my government has made me even question myself at times...
in my state if you buy anything... from a friend, yard sale ...anything that you do not pay the state sales tax on... you must send it (sales tax) to the state....
how many times do they want to collect tax on the same object?
is it within the law to pay the kid next door to cut your grass for cash? what if you pay him to cut yours... the widows down the street and the blind mans around the corner... have you passed some type limit... do you file a 1099?
what about the disabled guy who files no tax return but works his butt off rake'n leaves at 1/3rd pace so that his kids can eat and have school supplies...
sometimes ethics and laws just don't jive
i guess we are all criminals
why i try not to point fingers or judge
Well said.View Image
..how many times do they want to collect tax on the same object?.. The idea is to collect more taxes then the original cost, looks like their plan is working. I won't go into details, but check out what happens if you win the lotto,luck.
What is the intent of the action is what I always look for. Am I contemplating something with the express purpose of avoiding the taxes or am I contemplating the action so as to benefit another who needs help."Poor is not the person who has too little, but the person who craves more."...Seneca
Maybe you should have a few brews this afternoon while sitting on the porch thinking this over.
Joe H
Send us all a beer now and we won't tell anybody.
All the guy cared about was getting rid of the saw. I've seen people throw stuff away like that because they suddenly wanted to get rid of clutter.
Remember the Great Chain Saw ethic question?.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Wasn't that the one in the back of FHB?
J. D. ReynoldsHome Improvements
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
I couldn't get the first link to work, but I think I get the gist of the story.It's a more difficult ethical question, requiring a two beer hush payment with stipulations on brand of brew.
You only have 4 and you want to sell out by sending this one in for the bounty???? And you want to be called junkhound???? get a grip man you need at least 10 before you even Think you have enough, What kinda junkie you wants be ?? One that folds under a little pressure????? A easy sell out???? Why do you think they want the good ones back, Ill tell ya why cause there the BEST ones, With all due respect man up and build another shed. Dont you wanna tale to tell your grandchildren some day??? You were the smart guy that hung on when others fell for the fast buck........ I beg you do the right thing.....
get a grip man
You are right, I have 5 grandkids and each deserves to be bequeathed an old Sears RAS.
What could I have been thinking!!!!
Already sent the web link to Emerson and the UPS shipment box is on the way, guees I'll just have to tell them I want to keep the saw??
2nd ethics question - how should I return the box? Or just burn it?
Do not fret Mr junkhound, Pick up the next 4 lawnmowers discarded by the side of the road, Buy an old wringer washer for your work clothes, pick up 10 hubcaps in the ditch and your sins will be resolved, We all make mistakes its what we learn from them thats important, With 4 RASaws you are ahead of me, i only have 2 but keep piles of junk on top of them so i cannot use them, I can only dream of the day i will be like the god like norm in his clean shop and walk over and use his RAS, This is truth i saw it happen last week and he even bragged about using it, That is if the god like norm actually brags
Pick up the next.......discarded by the side of the road
I do pick up every dryer I see with a free sign on it, just to help the environment.
They average $7.87 in change in the bottom plus 4.37 singleton socks - then another $1.22 from the scrap yard. <G> I'll get rich someday.
Have never had any ethical problem with keeping the cash found in old dryers.
Sorry, man, I'm turning you in to the Department of Revenue for the bounty. Those dryers by the side of the road?? Those are in the public right of way, and as such, the change in them is state funds. Plus, you owe Use Tax on each dryer, hubcap, lawnmower, and especially the value of that Freud blade over and above what you paid for the saw. For shame!!