I’m dipping my toes in the waters of Excel.
I wish to create a work sheet to track my weekly income and show my cumilative total in one column.
So, cell d5= b5(this weeks income) + d4 (first weeks income)
cell d6=b6+d5 and so on.
There must be a way that will negate the need for me to enter the formula 52 times in column d? I kinda thought it would pick up on what I was doing and ask me if I wanted to repeat the formula down the column.
I’ll see if I can attach a sample worksheet.
In the lower right corner of the currently slected cell, there is a tiny box. Click and drag this box down. If you have a date in the box, it will advance the date in the following boxes. If you have a formula, it will copy the formula - it will also correct the cell letters and numbes so they make sense relative to the new position.
Tu stultus es
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
Look, just send me to my drawer. This whole talking-to-you thing is like double punishment.
for some reason I wondered why you hadn't responded yet. I was reading while you were typing.
My spidey senses were working
That did it. Thanks so much!
left click on d8
then go above you will see d8 in sort of an address bar.
go slightly to the right and left click on "fx" which means function as in sum , product, etc
a new box will open and select sum
a new box will open you will see d4:d7 these are the cells that you want added up. if you don't want cell 7 added to the formula, change the formula to d4:d6 and then cells 4-6 will only be included
You can get the tutorial to help also
you can highlight complete columns also.
that's another lesson.
As a suggestion. contact a computer training school about their programs and tell them you interested in their school but your not sure they can help you. They will usually will give a short 4 hour class to try out before you sign on the dotted line.
These schools usually have a beginning word, or excel class
I have used CEI(in Ca) and New horizons was another.
And another solution.
What beats BT?
Lesson 2
If you want to do the same formula across the whole page, insted of doing one collum, do as Paul said, but do it on the first collum , which is the collum that has the line of numbersin the
cell7 = sum cell4:cell6
and, there others ways to do it too
any more questions, and I'll have to get my wife's help. It makes her feel superior to me when I ask her how to do these formulas
You can also do a copy and paste function. Copy the first cell in the row, then highlight the rest of the cells in the row below it where you want the same kind of calculation and paste. It should automatically adjust the formula in each cell to match the line.
I've always found the ' for Dummies' books very helpdful when it came to MS Office. I think my Excel for Dummies book (for old Excel) is one of the few books I wore the binding out on.
Thanks Andy,
I have (had) that book marked someplace. I'd have to print it out to make use of it though.
Have you been able to wade into the waters?
Rich's (Cargin's) tutorial is real good. It got me started...then I went to the library a cpl of weeks ago and got the Excel for Dummies but it wasn't called Excel For Dummies...I think it was called "Microsoft Office For Dummies (03)" which had Excel within it. I found out that the newer books for Excel won't be any good for you if you are running windows 03 which is what I have. the newer version is a whole different ballgame!
I also took out "Microsoft Office 03" (not the Dummies book). This book had great photos and explanations. Both books together were real helpful along with Rich's tutorial.
Mike just turned me onto a site/program Andersen gives for free that seems GREAT
http://www.superbuild.com/pricing.aspx?partner=andersen&CC=rem might actually stop you short of Excel once you check out this site.
I got pretty far with Excel until I strated in with Superbuild.....but then Jerrald spoke about coming over here to turn me on to his program....so for now...I'm caught between the yellow legal pad...Excel and superbuild...lol.
edit edit edit edit...lol...just checked to find a link for you and theres a buncha books on Excel 03 so just go get whatever they have from your library cause all libraries are different. They have slews of books on Excel but be sure which version you have on your PC.
Edited 3/31/2009 5:25 pm ET by andybuildz
Edited 3/31/2009 5:26 pm ET by andybuildz
Edited 3/31/2009 5:32 pm ET by andybuildz