It’s time to get those power tools tuned up for the Great Pumpkin carving:
(Wasn’t sure if this should go here in General Discussion or Construction Techniques…)
It’s time to get those power tools tuned up for the Great Pumpkin carving:
(Wasn’t sure if this should go here in General Discussion or Construction Techniques…)
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When DW (An RN) started working at our local hospital a number of years ago, she and a couple other newly hired nurses on her unit decided to enter the annual pumpkin carving contest.
So they bought the little kits with the thin-toothed knives and design templates, created a few topical templates of their own and our livingroom became a "jack-o-lantern gallery.
They carved about 15 pumpkins and submitted their best three, which I deemed to be pretty good efforts.
BUT, when judgement time came, those three women were totally humiliated!
Little did they know that the Orthopedic Dept. had owned that contest for years.
With my own eyes I was struck by the Honorable Mention that was Cinderella's carriage drawn by 6 white, expertly hand-carved and painted horses...the pumpkin was the carriage, but was adorned with silver buggy wheels, an authentic to-scale wagon undercarriage, miniature horse harness with dress collars and silver capped hames....yada, yada, yada.
And the winner was some Satanic thing so elaboratly and expertly done that I care not to remember.
Sadly, DW has never carved a pumpkin since!
The pumpkins on the website you put up are more traditional and I will share them with my beloved wife!
Thank you!
The guy is a wimp!!!
He doesn't even mention Chainsaws or high explosives.
Mr T
Do not try this at home!
I am an Experienced Professional!
I'm dying to try my new plasma cutter on a pumpkin. If it conducts flowing electrons , it is supposed to be able to be cut by the plasma........clamp on the grounding clamp, and get busy...I'll let you all know how things turn out.
A mercury core .300 will give some interresting results.
Claymore from a fair distance.
Come on pumpkin.... BRING IT ON!!!
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
No, no, the idea is to carve the pumpkin first, then fly it.
An anti-tamper device--after landing--might add to the scariness . . .
Cool, Calvin & Hobbes carving time again . . .
Do we get extra credit if the carved pumpkins also fly <evil grin, maniacal laughter> . . . ?
Here are a couple of pics that I have. There's one more that I can't post here. Email me if you wanna see it.
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Q: What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by it's diameter?
A: Pumpkin Pi
I gotta see the last picture Boss.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
If ya gotta see it, ya gotta email me. I ain't posting it here and getting into trouble.
After all, I don't want to get a reputation for posting pics that get axed by the censors. You know I'd NEVER do that.....................(-:I haven't had my coffee yet, don't make me kill you.
My friend of thirty years always carves an elaborate pumpkin each year. His extremely talented daughter has been doing them as long as she has been able to and she has surpassed the old man. If you're interested check out her site at You'll be amazed.
Happy Spook Day!!!!
Here are a few Pumpkins I've carved.
For the background on a couple of them - Lewis Gee was the founder of the last company I worked for. He died of cancer a couple of months before Halloween. His widow still had that pumpkin in her freezer when I saw her at Christmas that year.
The baby pumpkin was how I announced at the annual company Halloween party that my wife and I were expecting our first baby.
The flag raising doesn't show very well because there was so much detail on a round surface you really had to see it in person to appreciate it. The flag had all the stars and stripes in it. It's a familiar enough image you can probably figure it out.
The computer BOO! pumpkin was the first time I explored this art form so it's a little crude.
No too many power tools at play on any of them though.
Kevin Halliburton
"I believe that architecture is a pragmatic art. To become art it must be built on a foundation of necessity." - I.M. Pei -