Fastener for Advantech 1 1/8″ subfloor

Holy heck this is so freaking difficult to find an answer.
As the title says we’re putting down Advantech 1 1/8″ subfloor. This is my first full construction project with plans, etc. It’s a garage build for myself. We have open-web floor trusses. I’m about ready to put the flooring down and even Huber can’t give me a direct answer.
I don’t have the quick-drive tool nor want to spend the $600 for it nor can find a rental of it. Therefore I can either go with #9 screws or 10d nails as per Huber which just references IRC.
Since I have a nail gun I’d prefer collated but for the life of me can’t find 10d (3″x.148) collated ring shank nails. In fact the only ring shank nails I find are from Strong Tie and they are stainless steel and I’d have to hammer each one in by hand.
Seems like online no one is using the correct nail since many are using 2 3/8″ nail. What the heck?
My local supplier that I bought the Advantech from supplied me with Tightbond Construction grade subfloor adhesive which is water-based and the Advantech in one of the first few pages of it’s install guide says DO NOT USE WATER-BASED ADHESIVES. Can’t trust ANYONE these days. They even took my $300 to do a take-off that had mistakes in it. Holy Smoke!!!
Kudos to local Huber rep that offered me enough sample cans and gun to replace!
I've always used 16d gun nails (3 3/8") for 1 1/8" sheathing.
Hey there, Ring shank nails with adhesive or screws alone are typically used. We use the Advantech adhesive and 8d ring shank nails. The fasteners need to penetrate an inch into the framing below according to Huber's instructions. Eight penny nails are 2 1/2" long so they penetrate almost 1 1/2" when you consider they will be countersunk slightly.. I hope that is helpful.