This is from my state, The land of flakes and nuts.
It looks like we might have to consider the “Chi” of the job so we can all feel a little more groovy.
Mikie Callahan Lake Tahoe, Ca.
Well, Mike- that just confirms what I always knew- California is the most bizarre place on the planet.
I lived in Las Vegas for five years, and we inherited a version of your illustrious contractor licensing system (though not half as bad as I hear CA's is). It's enough to make you want to jump off the roof of the Stratosphere.
How can anyone be against "positive energy" ???????
Not sure of how much is 'true" about Feng Shui, but know the charletens are on the band wagen.
remember seeing a show, don't remember the name, where they had three "experts" come in to arrange a room. all did it diferently, and contridicted each other in placement.
didn't know the others were were involved.bobl Volo, non valeo
Wait til Feng Shui Stage Two (FSSII) - all existing residences will be moved so as to align their shuies.
Joe H
It's hard to believe in a state with such a huge budget problem this is what those AHs in Sacramento spend their time on.
Or is that how we got here?
It's hard to believe in a state with such a huge budget problem this is what those AHs in Sacramento spend their time on.
Hey Joe, priorities, don't you know. Had a family here a few weeks ago land shopping. Actually they'd called about driveway construction elsewhere, but after seeing this mountain they didn't bother to drag me over to where they'd thought they wanted a driveway.
Turned out the shape of one 21 acre parcel was wrong feng shui, too expensive to make it right. Another 21 acre parcel he was really excited about, but she said the road frontage had too much negative energy. Figured I'd seen the last of them as I obviously wasn't tuned in.
Nope. Sunday they picked me up to see land under contract ½ hr from here. More road frontage, but apparently the reduced traffic in a remote location minimized the problem. Struck me as incredibly expensive for the location, but apparently the house site I selected didn't have a feng shui problem. Remains to be seen how much involvement I'll have. We're in the midst of a large cold spell (our well head froze yesterday for the first time) and they knew our digs were still cozy with little effort from us.
The idea, as I understand it, is that with proper feng shui, everything works better, including good health. For your bureaucrats, or elected officials, to take this seriously, I'd guess they figured the benefits would pay for the inconveniences. You're bailing out anyhow. Utah probably hasn't such proclivities?
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
A lot of bills get thrown into the legislative hopper, not that many make it through the "sausage mill" of legislation. I think this one isn't getting much traction but was simply colorful enough to catch the eye of some political writer. But then where would the fun be if we didn't have things like this to bat around...
"It's hard to believe in a state with such a huge budget problem this is what those AHs in Sacramento spend their time on.
Or is that how we got here?"
You guessed it. We are told that state population went up about 5%. The Dems kicked state spending up about 40%. Even drunken sailors would be hard pressed to match that. From budget surplus to being effectivley bankrupt. Would be, but states are not allowed. Orange County could and did.
But, hey, the neighbor states love it. Productive people and businesses are leaving or not coming. What remains will be a few rich, a vanishing middle class and a big welfare load.
I'm on the way too. Sometime this summer, no more Joe.
Joe H
< I'm on the way too. Sometime this summer, no more Joe.>
Being a Geezer, I can live in WA and winter here. Avoid rain. Wear shorts. Live in the San Juan Islands with the other Californian refugees. WA only has a budget shortfall of 1.x billion. Really not in our league. Should hire G. Davis as a consultant.
The natives don't like us much, but they like our money just fine. I endear myself by reminding them that the influx of Californians has raised the IQ of both states at least ten percent. <g> Certainly true in WA.
"The land of flakes and nuts"
As a fifth-generation San Franciscian, and, with a smile, "Why is California like a bowl of granola?"
When you throw out the fruits and the nuts, all you have left are flakes.
Live in Vancouver BC Canada with a very large Chinese population 300k +. A principal of Feng Shui is to not place your residence where the river is coming towards it. It makes sense until you notice that a huge group of Chinese have chosen Richmond ( A Vancouver suburb) to live in. Guess which river flows towards Richmond? The Mighty Fraser!.... Dikes have been built but one small earthquake can ruin your whole day. Go figure.
I think the closing line of the article summed it up pretty good..
Concluded Haynes, "This makes California look like a bunch of flakes to the rest of the nation."
You gotta be kiddin me?
Part of the building codes?
yeah that will fly...
wonder how RonT feels about this one