I have the following issues available:
17,30,55,57,73,82,86,91,92,95,97-99,102,103,107,108,110, 111,115,118,120,124-126,129,130,132-134.
Will sell all 31 issues for $100 US plus shipping from Winnipeg. (approx.25 LB)
I have a post on the woodworking side for issues od FWW I need to complete my collection. Would be happy to consider any reasonable swaps.
Hi - are you willing to split your set? I'm looking for the Aug/Sep 87 issue (the site lists this issue as both #30 and #41, so I don't really know which one it is).
#30 is Dec85/Jan86. Sorry, I don't have #41.
I will break the set & sell any for $3.50 US plus shipping.
Hey pal... I want 132 & 134 please. E-mail me at [email protected] and we'll close the deal. Thanks...