Fiberglass Epoxy Resin Laminate for the Flat Roof in Oregon

Are there any roofing systems that use Epoxy/Polymer resin and fiberglass with gelcoat type of finish? Can’t find anything on this in code for roofing materials, is this not a thing at all? Plan is to laminate fiberglass over plywood with layer of gelcoat + crushed walnut pattern (non skid) on a flat roof approx 45×35 in Oregon to create usable abrasion resistant deck. No mention in the Oregon code.
I don't get out much but is this an established way to make a roof covering or just a new idea?
Not a common material for roofing in the US.
There is a place in MD that sells supplies you can use for this project. (and has some videos for reference)
One drawback I see is that almost all roofing materials commonly used anticipate the end of life for the roofing material.
Fiberglass resins will laminate to whatever you use as a substrate, requiring it to be removed with the roofing when it is time to replace.
This is also going to be less forgiving as far as weather conditions during installation than other roofing materials. It also calls for wearing specific protective gear during installation.
Codes allow for approval of alternate solutions, but it will likely be between you and your local building official.
However, when you are doing a repair, you need for the resin to also function as an adhesive — gluing the patch to the surrounding surface. That makes epoxy resin usually the best choice for fiberglass repair work.
Kemper makes a commercial roof coating that's epoxy based. Its expensive and not easy to use but it's a fabulous product. We used it to waterproof a 100year old terracotta chimney cap with good results. I would contact the manufacturer directly for full information