I have a very large skylight above a two-story open entry. The amount of direct sunlight coming in can produce a significant amount of heat, especially in the summer months. It’s a gable roof, so at the highest point on the interior I installed a vent with a 4″ duct that runs to the exterior. I left open an area in a nearby closet to install an in-line fan to pump this excess heat to the exterior. In the winter months I would like to divert this air downstairs to the basement to take advantage of the free heat (the duct is insulated). Is there some type of automatic control damper that can work with a thermostat and this 4″ ducting to control this warm air (either sending it to the basement or the exterior depending on the temp. & demand. Just as important, is there an in-line hepa type filter that can attach to this system to filter the air? Nothing too industrial ( I am only using a 90 cfm in-line FanTech), but I would like a high-end type filtration unit. The only high-end filters I can find already have fans.
Thanks for any ideas
I'm much more of a DIY scrounger than a product purchaser, but I'd use a common pleated filter, .01 micron. We do .5 ACH whole house with one. Cheap and takes out everything (pollen, dust, dander, smoke) but viruses. If you use a large one you won't have to change so often and you won't have an airflow restriction problem. Being cheap, I buy the largest size, cut it in half and get 2 for the price of 1. Doesn't take much to fabricate a filter frame.
No idea why you'd want a damper, but a simple thermostat to turn on the fan will work. The closet's the place for both fan and filter. Is 90 cfm the right size? Surplus Center has a large assortment of fans.
I probably wouldn't bother with the thermostat, instead switching manually. Pretty sure you already know when it's hot up there.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!