Finish edge for top of basement walls

Am proposing a basement job where the client is considering having the unfinished ceiling spray painted. If they go this route (vs. installing drywall or drop ceiling), I’m thinking drywall will look “unfinished” at the top edge. On the otherhand, maybe it will look OK next to the spray painted utilities. Any thoughts on possible ways to trim this edge?
Either Drywall "J" to cover the top edge or "L" bead to finish to a straight line.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Sounds funky... It could be something so simple as nailing off a 1" or 2" x 2" at the top of the wall detail or doing a lattice detail with 1" x 2"s projecting into the room a foot or so. The options are literally limited to the imagination.
I'm thinking drywall will look "unfinished" at the top edge
Would that be the "wall" d/w or the "ceiling" d/w? If it's wall, is the wall not full-height? If a not full-height wall, what finishes the top of the vertical wall? Any returns into windows?
I'll "ditto" the previous suggestion of either "L" or "J" bead to finish either. The J bead, you can paint to match the ceiling or wall, or a contrasting color to give the change an obvious break point.
L bead or tearaway bead if you're butting up to something else.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
If you want to get fancy, Trim-Tex makes a glue, staple and mud on crown molding that looks pretty cool. They have a full line of J-bead as mentioned before too.
check out for all the details.
I just used all the 3/4" radius and 350-Bull corner bead on my remodel. I was looking for a place to try the crown molding, but I have almost no 90 deg corners. Pretty cool stuff.
I am going to finish my basement as you described in your post and as I was reading it dawned on me I may try the trim-tex crown too.