Hey All,
My wife has been wanting a hope chest for a long time and I have kept telling her I would make her one, so finally since I was done building my brother in laws house I would down size my project this time, so I thought I would share my first attempt at building a hope chest.
Scott Beckett’s Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
“Can’t never did anything but can did”
oops forgot the pic.
Scott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"
The picture is a little grainy but it looks great. Why did you fill it with rocks?"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce
Were do you get rocks at?
Those are pillows on the top to sit on!
ScottScott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"
Yea, but they looked like rocks to me in the picture. Bad joke..."War is God's way of teaching Americans geography." Ambrose Bierce
Pretty nice!My daughter has been suggesting I build a toybox (that will "grow" into a hope chest) for my grand daughter. Did you design your project?
Yes and No, about the designing it. I saved some plans out of some magazines I use to get and altered them alittle. Here is the link to the orginal design.
http://store.woodstore.net/foblch.htmlScott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"
Thanks for the link. I'll bechecking that out. I see in the background of the link the footboard of a bed also in mission style.
Hey no problem,
Yeah they had a whole set bed, night stand, blanket chest, and dresser in mission style that I liked the looks of. I thought of attempting the whole set in due time.
ScottScott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"
Looks like a nice chest.
I'm curious - Is the pad fastened down somehow, or is it loose?
Don't know if you saw mine - I recently posted pics in the tavern:
Putting a pad on it is the only thing I didn't get done. Fastening it is one of the things I never quite figured out.
Hey Boss,
You have a nice looking chest too! Did you scroll saw the duck out of different woods and piece it together on?
No I decided to leave them un attached so it would be easier to clean if we needed to.
I plan on making another on about the same for my daughter.Scott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"
"Did you scroll saw the duck out of different woods and piece it together on?"
Nope - The infamous Newf from BT made that especially for the chest.
When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself.
Ok, I was trying to give you the credit for doing a nice job but I see you can't fib alittle, HAHA
ScottScott Beckett's Handyman Service
Jack of all trades
"Can't never did anything but can did"