Fixing scratch in solid surface counter

Musta been a visitor, be/c DW and I suuuuuurely wouldn’t do this. Someone apparently used the rough side of one of those sponges to clean thee counter, and left a scratched area on our Avonite. 2″ x 4″ or so. I’m wondering the best way to polish it out. The scratches aren’t deep, so no problem there. But enough so that the semi-gloss is gone and I want it back. So, what paper, what grits, what tool to get this looking better and once again become my wife’s hero?
I've got the same problem. Anybody got advice?
Not familiar with Avonite specifically, but if it's similar in working characteristics to Corian or Gibraltor, here's how I handle scratchs like you describe.
Wet or dry paper mounted on a speed-block.(little orbital sander, not a RO)
Sand wet......a bit of water on countertop.
Probably start out at 240. Proceed thru 320, 400 and end with 600 most likely to match sheen. If not shiny enough yet, move to finer grits of auto glazing compounds/polishes.
Wipe off the counter from time to time to check your progress. Move from one paper to the next when appropriate. Better have some sheets down (or the like) cause water is going to get on the floor most likely.
You may have to feather in some by working beyond the target area and you may find that you'll end up doing the whole surface with the finest grit to get everything back in sync.
heres a link that may help