Fixing Ugly 1970’s split entry homes

Hi, .
We have purchased a number of 1970’s style split entry homes outside of Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake City Utah to remodel and sell. Utah has some of the most spectacularly unattractive homes in the most lovely of locations.
The views , location and reasonable prices are to die for, but these late 70’s split entry homes are incredibly ugly. Any suggestions on modifying a split entry to a rambler ranch or two story? Also any suggestions on putting skins/ veneer on dark fir wood beams that are throughout the house? It seems I always see articles on how to remodel a home with great bones already, but in my opinion, the late 70’s building boom lacked much in redeeming features. Anyone found any resources on helping these ugly but deserving houses?
No real suggestions, just a fellow Utahn curious as to whether you are at Big Cottonwood or Little Cottonwood?
For all their ugliness, split entry homes sell OK around here (not great, but they do sell). I think if you want to turn it into a rambler or 2 story you might have to tear down and start over. A structural change that major is often more expensive than a complete rebuild. If you are truly at the mouth of the canyon then the land is more valuable than the house anyway.
Good luck.
In Issue 2 of Inspired House we mentioned a book in the Finds department that addresses exactly this problem. It's called "Split Visions: A Planbook of Remodeling Ideas for Split-Level and Split-Entry Houses," by Robert Gerloff and Jeremiah Battles. Go to the Web site to find out more: Good luck!
Enid Johnson
Senior Copy Editor
Thanks so much- I will check it out. If we do a remodel, maybe we will send it in as a conversion from the world's ugliest home to the most beautiful!Wendy
We look forward to it. We love befores and afters.
Skylights, bigger windows and knock out the walls on those ghastly split level staircases.
I think much of the negative aspects from Split-Levels come from the awkward proportions of the entry configuration-usually very small in floor yet overly tall, with identical sized staircases presented to you.
If you can enlarge the area in some way, and add a light, gridded ceiling element to create better proportions and then widen (even by just a foot or so) the staircase to the main level-keeping the one going down as it is- that can create a bit of ceremony and hierchy to orient one to the space. Also continue the feeling of foyer or entry at the top of the stairs with maybe a lowered ceiling, beams or an art wall to organize the circulation as you arrive up to the main level and also to present the main living spaces better.
I know much of this might be expensive or just plain impossible but that is where I would at least begin the process
I'm an architectural designer not a builder so do not have as much practical advice on the veneering of elements.
BTW first reply, just discovered the site/discussion forums and am excited to begin learning from everyone.
i've only been in one house like that, in nashville TN, but i agree it's off-putting for an entry. you feel like you've gone in through the servant's quarters LOL. my fantasy fix for our friends' nashville house was to increase their outside front porch and enclose it. as someone above mentioned, this would enlarge the entryway. then, add more porch- he he he
Our architecht (sp) came up with building a tower sort of to the outside entry which adds a foyer. Than at the top of the stair he took out the coat closet which added two feet to the top entrance. We are then moving the closet a little further down the hall. It will be a smaller closet but worth the entrance "Feel"..good luck...PamilynThe purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls
before and after pictures??
Hi Pamilyn,
Your changes sound beautiful and creative. I would love to see pictures. Would you mind posting them?
Sheila Torres
In a year or so I can!! LOL PamilynThe purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls
Try We just bought a butt ugly one is on a beautiful pond. Hope we can fix it!!! Good luck on yours...Pamilyn
The purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls
Hi coyotewildwoman,
Issue 3 of Inspired House includes information about a book that deals with this very topic. It's called, Split Visions: A Planbook of Remodeling Ideas for Split Level and Split Entry Houses by Robert Gerloff and Jermiah Batteles of Robert Gerloff Residential Architects.
You can even go the website that the architects set up when they were working on this book and get a free pdf and additional information.
I hope this helps!
Sheila Torres
Editorial Assistant
Inspired House
We were away on vacation. Has anyone come up with any more ideas? We were thinking large window boxes will help alot. PamilynThe purpose of Art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls