flat ,smooth,and straight Hardie siding

I am starting to build a home with 2 x 6 x 10′ studs 24″ on center for the exterior walls. The outside will be covered with Hardie siding. The standard sheathing here in central N.C. is 1/2″ OSB. My question is this, should I use the regional standard or spend the extra money and use 5/8″ OSB so that I keep a smooth and flat exterior wall?
1/2" or 5/8" does'nt make much difference, Since the fiber cement siding should be fastened to studs.If the framing is straight then your siding should lay flat. Save the extra cost of the material & invest in quality framing materials.
If your going to frame 24" centers I would say use 5/8" sheathing because from what I see of this Hardie stuff I'm not to impressed how sensitive it is with wavy walls and their butt joints opening up and when you look up at them the gaps on the bottom. Look at this building with Hardie at 7" to the whether, it's an absolute disgrace.
Doesn't FC planks need to be jointed at a stud?If so it look like they did not so that one end is left floating.
If it weren't cold and wet outdoors, I'd go about my neighborhood taking some examples of poor installation. But, considering what is behind the planking is 75% non-wood (1/2" rigid foam insulation) and the Hardi installers just blindly nailed it into place, the end result is rather poor on some homes in my subdivision.
Sorry, thinking you can nail hardi to foamboard is stupid, but then again the Latinos probably didn't have either product in their native country. Framer, was that your house?
"Framer, was that your house?"No, It wasn't my house. It's worse. It was the front wall and entrance of the lumberyard I went to that sells the stuff.Joe Carola
Great for catching caterpillers adn such. They love to beuild their cacoons in cracks like that!
I would use plywood run horizontally with a good gap and make sure the studs are crowned. Two foot centers are a problem with any siding. If you are putting trim around finned windows then figure in a 1/4" furring around the perimeter of the flange or rabbit out the trim (no fun if it's cement product). Personally I wouldn't use 24"centers with this product but I believe with a lot of attention you can do it.
Edited 2/18/2006 8:07 pm ET by shellbuilder