Is there a way to flatten 1/4 inch X 10 in wide X 2 ft long pine (which species = ?) panels that are cupped by maybe 3/8 in? I want to use these for shutters.
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Dampen cup side and put them out in the sun wet side down.
Moniter closely. Repeat as required.
Some may flatten for you. Others may get worse.
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish....
Edited 12/25/2003 12:49:42 PM ET by IMERC
Rip the panels to ~2" strips, cut them to length and mount them either vertically or horizontally in a frame. If the shutters are taller than 2' (likely) then use a rail in the frame if you mount them vertically. Just like making a flat panel door.
Cut them length-wise into strips for your shutter-blades and the cup won't matter.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
lay them on the grass, in the sun, cup down - in an hour or three the changing moisture relationship will cause the cup to disappear - if you leave too long, it will cup the other way - so keep an eye on the boards and remove them from the sun when they've unfurled, bring inside and stack&sticker till you're ready to use....
Belt sander and a good eye
Be flat as a broad.I mean board : )
My life is my practice!
Andy -
If the boards are only 1/4" thick, and are cupped 3/8", that leads me to beleive that any type of milling, jointer or belt sander or whatnot, will result in something like a 10" (or less) double edged sword! (grin)
Dennis in Bellevue WA
[email protected]
true....oopsMy life is my practice!
seriously, the only for sure way is to rip and joint and re-glue. If at that time you alternate the growth rings smily up/smily down the out of flat will be less /less into 4 pcs. min. 5 even better. if you panel frame them for a shutter you will PAINT or SEAL both sides RIGHT? Happy ripping
Heat the convex side of the board trying and remove the water. you can use a halogen light just need to watch how close the light is to the board. if that don't work then try adding some moisture to the cupped side.
Where did you get this 1/4" panel from did you machine it out of some thicker piece if that is the case it might not be unven moisture drying that caused the cupping it may be internally stress and by machining it the material that was holding it flat is now gone.