Hi all…I’m new to this forum and hope you can give me some advice. I am going to start renovating a condo in the next couple of weeks and I’m having trouble deciding whether to level the floor (I want to install tile in the kitchen). The kitchen floor actually bows up in the middle, while at the same time slants towards the middle of the house (it’s a conversion). I really don’t think jacking is an option, and I believe the slope is actually two much for self-leveler, so my choices are limited.
I’ve thought about nailing sleepers at on the current joists, but I’m wondering if there is another way. Is it possible to sister joists that are level to existing joists that are not?
>> Is it possible to sister joists that are level to existing joists that are not?
The next question I'd be asking myself is the building finished settling? Or are you going to have to do it all again in 10 or 20 or 30 years?
I hope so...the building is 100 years old. But then again I can't be sure.
I don't know whats under it or how strong ur current floor is... but i about never have a problem level'n a floor with a floor leveler IE: concrete or some type portland mix...