I own a house on a crawlspace and the finish floor is wood and tile. I would like too reinsulate inbetween the joists and possibly put 2 inch foam on the bottom of the joist. Would this idea be a benneifit, or a waste of time and money? Also , could this cause any condensation problems?
Edited 12/20/2003 11:44:22 PM ET by jake
Edited 12/21/2003 12:40:35 AM ET by jake
The floor is the last place to put insulation (ceilings and then walls are more important). But after you've done the attic, the floor is the next most accessible. Yes, it will help to insulate down there.
FG is hard to keep in place. They make stiff wires a bit more than 14.5" to bridge between joists and add more support. Stapling chicken wire across the joist faces is a very substanial solution. I wouldn't add the labor and cost of foam. Unless you do foam only, instead of FG.
A vapor barrier across either insulation would HELP condensation problems. Generally the moisture comes from the crawlspace into the house. Blocking that path can help minimize seasonal moisture swings in your wood floors.