Footers in low area maintain water.
I’ve been building for 12 years now & have never encountered this problem. Has anybody out there dug footers in a low lying area and had water consistanly in the footers? I knew that this area stayed fairly damp (winter time), so I dug the footers 3′ wide to help with support. My problem is that I need to pour the footers but there is standing water in them. I thought about pumping the water & pouring emediately but would rather have a better (more engineered) way. Anyone with this experience?
A very similar question was addressed a couple of times in the past month or so. You might try searching for it.
The jist of the responses was to pump the water and pour the concrete. Use a stiff mix (Minimum amount of water in the mix.). Someone (Piffin, I think) suggested wrapping the piers on top of the footings in plastic, so frost could not get a grip on them and heave them.
Al Mollitor, Sharon MA