I bought this about 2 months ago, and it’s not what I expected. It only cut 1 5/16″ deep, I need to move up to a 6″. I paid $230, and used it twice. Sell it for $150, or trade for a Porter Cable 6″ saw boss.
Picture http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000222WY.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
email [email protected]
What about a Porter Cabel model 347 71/4 " blade right saw? Used maybe twice.
We are all in this together.
Edited 7/15/2005 9:42 pm ET by Gunner
If nothing else comes along. I'm really looking for the 6" blade left, but time will tell.
O.K. I'll wait. Din't realize you wanted blade left.
We are all in this together.
It's not critical, but I'm used to the old wormdrive. The 4 1/2" is blade right...
Sold. Thanks for the interest.
Sold it to someone else?
We are all in this together.
I guess i should have been specific. Yes to someone else.
edit: I can be really dumb sometimes, before the coffee kicks in.
Edited 7/16/2005 9:38 am ET by dustinf
Gotcha now. I'm a blade left guy too, but I've been wanting one of those little trim saws for a long time.
We are all in this together.