Found a 70’s Black & Decker 8 1/4″ Super Sawcat, need a part . . .

Hi, new guy, hope someone can help! Does anybody remember the 3047 and 3048 B&D circular saws of the 70’s and 80’s? They were great saws; I had one and the thing ran forever. Finally died a few years ago and I tossed it. Stupid me!!! I could have used a part from it now! I was going through a flea market and found a very nice looking one, and the motor sounds great, but it’s missing a small critical part, namely a small hockey stick shaped part (#64 on the schematic) that ties the upper guard together with the base plate. Without it, the upper guard will rotate. Geez, what I’d give to have my old one back, could have kept it for parts. Anybody out there got an idea of where I could find such a part? None of the parts places sell them anymore . . . please help. Thanks
Piece of steel, file, drill, ya got a new part. Maybe hit it with a hammer in a vise or on an anvil also.