Foundation insulation & exterior finish
Hi All, I did a quick search on this but couldn’t find good info. I just did some minor drainange and foundation work. Now I want to insulate the crawl space AND select a material to cover the outside.
I will need a General Contractor for this minor job, but need some ideas on what to ask him/her to do: EPS on the outside or inside. If outside what recommendations for exterior finish, etc? I had leakage and settling due to grade and ext finish materials allowing water to seep back into the foundation. What is a good product to attach to the EPS, or should I just stick with interior foam and use a stucco or other venier (sp?) product.
Thanks in advance, the replies on two previous postings have been a great help when discussing issues with local contractors.
My choice would be to go with 2" blue foam and then Grailcoat for the exterior finish.
Formerly BEMW at The High Desert Group LLC
Thanks for the response Bruce, I will check out grail coat!