Foundation Pier holes dug out and refilled without putting in piers
I had five holes dug along an existing wall where piers were going to be put in under the foundation, but the piers were not installed and the holes were just refilled with the original dirt. The wall is along an unfinished basement without a slab and a one story structure is above the unfinished basement. Could this cause structural problems for me in the future along this wall? Could it cause this wall to destabilize and potentially sink further into the ground since the soil being replaced couldn’t have been compacted as well as it had been prior to the wall being built? We had significant rain the night the holes were filled and the next day.
The reason the piers were not installed is because they were supposed to be put in along another nearby wall on a different part of the house. The installation crew misunderstood this until all 5 holes along the length of this wall had been dug.
Thank you so much for any help or guidance any of you can provide.