My sister-in-law asked me to have look at a house she was thinking of buying. The house is about 5 years old and was in great shape except for some issues in the basement. It appears that as the house settled, the foundation wall cracked. The builder apparantly fixed it under warranty, and I am including some photos below. I’m no expert on foundations, so I’d like to ask the opinion of anyone here as to whether it looks like it was fixed properly, and what chance this repair may fail in the future.
Secondly, I noticed that there was clear moisture dripping stains on the concrete foundation wall below the insulation line. When I lifted up the edge of the insulation strip I noticed the stain did not continue up behind the insulation, but only below it. My guess is this is simply condensation and not a leak that is causing this staining. Again I’ve included photos and would appreciate anyone offering opinions.
Thanks to all in advance.
whats the pipe for
What did the builder use for the fix??? Looks like Bondo to me.
Bill, it looks like the repair was a epoxy injection job, It should be good for the life of the structure. In my area many of the foundation repair companies give a life time warrenty with that type of repair, that is transferable from homeowner to homeowner. Ask the builder or seller if that is the case with this one.
BB, the "pipe" is a plastic straw used to inject the epoxy into and through the wall. There should be one every 8 or 9 inches, or whatever the wall thickness is. They are ussually cut off and sealed over with the final coat of epoxy, more for cosmecticts than part of the fix. It is full of cured epoxy, so not much chance of it becoming a future problem.