Framing Basement wall with Fireblock/rigid Foam
I may be over thinking the fire blocking but I’m trying to determine a way to fire block my basement wall in front of 2″ rigid foam. My Cinder block wall does not have a sill plate and the blocks are hollow.
If I insulate the rim joist and lay horizontal rigid foam over the concrete holes, could I use a PT 2×6 top plate (since it would be in contact with the concrete) to hang over the 2″ foam glued to the walls like the diagram illustrates.
As I said maybe I’m over thinking this.
That would work. Not sure you need treated. The block wall is likely uneven. It will be easier to end up with a plumb wall if you leave a small gap between the 2x6 and the block, and fill it with spray foam.
You also have other options for material to use for the firewall, including drywall.
You might want to cut the horizontal foam board over the block long enough to extend over the wall foam.