Watching the Late Night TV shows, as an ice storm nears and bears down..
They ( local TV) run the closings and delays for the morning..and I noticed a BUNCH of H.I. co’s and Remodelers, with “Plan A” or “2 Hour delay” or “A-Team”..and to be honest, I don’t think some of these guys HAVE a plan A, or A team..
So, NEXT time I might just call in an say MY comapany is having a Two Hour delay..what the heck, free name on tv.
Seems to me, I get to tell the comunity, I’m staying home for 2 hours.
Is that cheating?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations
They kill Prophets, for Profits.
I dunno...ask Slateman..he just had his ice for me I better get to sleep cause one of us has to go to work in the morning...ugh.