I’m have large 3 door Anderson french door unit to install in my home (@8’x7′). I am going to have to carry this about 60 yards around the outside of the house to the installation location. this may seem like a silly question but how many sets of hands would you think I would need to do this? The door is over 300lbs. and I was wondering what the best technique would be to move it. does the door have to stay upright while moving? Or could it be carried flat? I don’t know if that would compromise the strencth of the door. Upright you can really only get One guy on each end, anyone else would really just be steadying the door, ya’ know? Also the sill plate is about 1/4″ above the finished tile floor. Any suggestions on how to make that a clean finish on the inside? appreciate any advice, mainly with the door transporting. Thanks.
take the doors off the frame, be careful of the wheather stripping one the bottom of the doors. Then carry the pieces to each location.
I'm so glad you asked that question. I just ordered four sets of patio door units, two at 8 ft and two at 9 ft x 6'8" high and I'm really looking forward to the day they arrive :) The 8 ft have one swinging door that I can remove, but the 9 ft are all fixed panels.
Do it right, or do it twice.
request that it be shipped broken down.
Excellence is its own reward!
Getting it around back was a bit of work, getting it 16 ft up took a little machinery. Used a couple of flat carts and a genie lift. Total age of the participants, 165 yrs. Pity that was divided by 3.Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
If a cart of some sort isn't an option, young guys is my second pick. You know. 21, strong backs, don't get tired, can lift anything. A friend of mine helped me move some monster windows a couple of months back and brought out his hand cups for setting marble tile. Stuck those to the glass for a handle, and durned if they didn't work slicker than snot on a doorknob. But he also brought his helper, who is 21 with a good back! :-)
"The child is grown / The dream is gone / And I have become / Comfortably numb " lyrics by Roger Waters