Last winter I had a lot of frost buildup on the north side (inside) of my garage roof.
The rest of the house was fine. The frost was so bad that the water actually ran down through the sheet rock when it warmed up outside
I live in eastern south dakota and this occured when the temp was below zero.
This is a new house with ridge vent at the peak.
Could I put styrofoam on the inside of ?
Other suggestions
Attached garage, I assume? Do you tend to idle the car in the garage, or is there a heater in the garage?
The moisture is coming from somewhere, either the garage or the house. Cut off the supply of moisture. (But note that you get a lot of moisture the first year or so out of drywall and concrete.)
yes there is an electric heater in the garage.
do not run idle cars in garage
frost only appears on the north side where the sun never touchs the roof
The electric heater won't generate moisture, though it could cause water/ice from the vehicles to evaporate faster.Net-net, though, is that the moisture is coming from somewhere, and there shouldn't be any substantial amount of moisture up there. Figure out where it's coming from and how it's getting into the "attic".
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I have flexible bathroom vent hoses and a 3" chase from the basment which I plugged half way through the winter.
What other things should I be looking for?
Bathroom vent hoses exiting where?
If your view never changes you're following the wrong leader
Like Dan, that statement puts me on high alert. Bathroom and dryer vents dumping anyplace other tan outside will wreak havok on a house.What is this chase from basememt? Sounds like potentially dangerous tolife and health also. Fumes of gasoline and exhaust can follow down into living spoacce there and send some family member off for the final deep sleep or cause explosion.Say more about the basement condition andf what and why this 3" 'chase' is there
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bathroom fans are vented to outside.
3" chase was installed in case any future wiring is needed.
basement is finished except for the furnace room
the chase was open at the beginning of last winter and after the frost problem started on the inside of the roof I thought this might be the cause. I plugged up both ends with insulation. However the frost problem continued.
Could this be because the wood in the attic was already wet?
once it gets cold should i try to measure the humidity and see if it is higher than the outside air?
thanks for all of the replies
"Could this be because the wood in the attic was already wet?"Yes, how did it come to be wet?Been a couple days since I remember this thread, did you say already?If a brand spanking new house - all the parts do tend to off-gas water for a year or two. Studs still drying, concrete still ccuring, paint and sheetrock mud have a barrel of water....So the place ould be still stabilizing, I suppose.
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Yeah, not that odd to have moisture problems the first year. If the same pattern continues this winter, though, then there's definitely a problem -- too much moisture is getting into the attic area somehow, either through leaks in ceilings/ductwork or something like bath fan exhaust or furnace exhaust being drawn back in through soffit vents.
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