For addition to house, part of it new is half bathroom. For the bathroom fan, it isbroan type that has a damper in the unit. The flex line to a roof vent will be a about 6 ft long, 4 inch diameter. What is the best type of roof vent to use, how about the type with the half round cover on the top? I’ve use those lo profile Broan ones with a screened damper but in hard rain it has leaked, I think it leaks since it is so lo in profile, and yes, the opening is pointed down. House is in So. Cal so no snow on the roof,
It leaked inside the vent, or the roof leaked? We get so little rain here, I'm suprised it had a chance to leak.
If the flapper leaked and you think because it was..........."flapping" during rain/wind.
Try this-remove the screen (squeeze a bit and pull out) and silicone a fairly large fender washer to it. (You can use the silver foil tape to hold it also). The added weight will keep it shut till the push of air from the fan. There is a "weatherstripping" on the Broan vent kits (squared off/black/with flex pipe) flapper. It shouldn't leak period, but this will help if it's being blown open.
I have never had one leak and we are in some rainy area, with wind. Are you sure it's not condensation (in calif?) dripping back?
If that's the case, put a timer on the fan and run it longer.