We recently moved in to a home with a “finished” garage. drywall up and taped, never painted. Paper tape was used and is now cracking and peeling. Climate here is hot and dry during the summer and cold, dry and windy during the winter.
Should all of the old tape be stripped for repair or just the badly damaged tape and the rest refinished? Intent ultimately is to clean the walls up and get them painted, seal up the garage door for air leaks (will still be used as a garage) and probably paint the floor so that it will be usable as a garage and shop!
Pointers would be greatly appreciated!
I would remove all unadhered tape. With luck, you don’t have a knockdown or other finish....
Try this.. orient your hand palm down and use the top of your finger nails, sweep across any suspect tape area. You’ll hear.....sense a different sound. The oddball “feel” will be “loose” tape.
There’s also the rare possibility that using a latex primer over the loose taped area runs will reactivate the coumpound and it’ll restock itself. Rare.
Shorter pcs of loose tape can be patched. Remove the bogus tape by cutting it out. Patch in new tape, skim new into old.
Best of luck
Thanks, pretty much confirmed my thinking regarding the situation, because I am not a pro it seemed good to ask if there was possibly a better means of resolving the problem. Looks like I'll be doing a lot of strippin, retaping and than a good paint job!