Good/best tape for rigid insulation

Seems that I’ve seen this info on this forum, but can’t find it in the archives: What tape(s) are recommended for sealing rigid insulation (XPS)? I’ve got Nashua foil tape 324A and also Polyken 360 waterproofing repair tape. I called Tyco Adhesives (manufactures both of these tapes) and they basically said “We don’t know.” !!!
Seal it to what?
Sheet to sheet edge, leave a gap and fill it with gun foam.
Sheet into stud cavity same thing, leave a gap and gun foam it.
It will want to push out of place sometimes, you may need to do something to hold things until the foam cures.
If you have it butted tight, you can force a gun nozzle in there, but it's much easier if you have a small opening.
Joe H
I've no problems doing my cieling using good ol fashioned packing tape..a helluva lot cheaper, and I have boxes from attic storage that are still stuck after many,many years.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
There was even a study that proved packing tape is the best and longest lasting. Goes on easiest with one of those automatic roller/cutter dispensing tools.
good to know I been right all along..I have about three dispensers..
Thanks fer that info
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.
FWIW, that expensive Tyvek tape is also packing tape with a little white added so the DuPont Tyvek name is easier to read.
Someplace I saw aluminum tape recommended. Thought it was those building science guys...
I have use foil tape on foil faced rigid foam. Good stuff. Never used it on Tyvek or any house wrap. Can't see why it wouldn't work. Cost could become a factor to some.
For me, the issue isn't so much the tape, it's the adhesive. Before I'd use packing tape or any other "off-label" tape, I'd put my trust in something made to last a long time in construction applications. There are BIG differences in the properties of different adhesives -- just look at masking tape and Post-It notes.
That said, I cannot tell you that Tyvek tape is or isn't regular U.S. Postal Service approved box sealing tape. Just don't know either way.
3M spec sheets may give you some helpful information.
I had used some foil tape on UN-foiled foam, in my roof peeled off on its own in a few weeks..odd cuz that stuff sticks to almost every thing, the packing tape is still stuck.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
Repairs, Remodeling, Restorations.