Good News and First Question in New Forum
Hi Y’all,
Garfield here, back in sunny Raleigh. Good news is I finally got out of the ‘Reconstruction’ business (Fire and
Water damage repair) where I learned the joys of replacing rotted subfloor on double wides! It was the only employment I could find upon my return to Raleigh. I have now rentered the ‘Real Construction’ business with a quality company.
Not to impeach the ‘quality’ orientation of the company I work for, because the ‘boss’ sure seems to know his stuff, BUT the project manager I haven’t discovered much about yet.
Apparently before my coming on board the company removed all the old screening from a screened in porch and have ordered custom screen inserts. Todays job was to install a new porch floor over the existing porch floor. The existing porch floor is PT 5/4″x6″ deck boards, and rather than cutting them tight to the screened in porches bottom plates and removing them, we are stapling down screen over the existing deck boards and predriling and SS screwing down EXPENSIVE T&G deck boards.
This does not pass the smell test on my ‘radar’ – seems there will sure as sunset and taxes be water ‘trapped’ between the two layers of boards, contributing to the deterioration of both. Comments and thoughts appreciated.
Glad to be back amongst ‘Real’ construction folks again.
Welcome back
And I concur.
Laying them the same direction? not that it would change the outcome.