I used some G Tape to hold a tarp up on a paneled wall. Only had it there overnight, and when I removed it the tape left a little bit of sticky residue on the painted wood paneling.
Any idea what will remove it? I was going to email the G Tape people but the website’s down.
Mayonaisse. Really.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"If you want something you've never had, do something you've never done"
Pickles. Really.
caustic solvents: yecth!
seriously folks.. there are any number of other answers to questions like this than to suggest petroleum distillates. olive oil is a first choice, and will remove most paint from your hands.. and stickum of many stripes and strengths.
..even baby-wipes (which contain too many plastics for me to consider sustainable) always prove a better option than breathing or physically contacting xylene or any other caustic and proven carcinogenic.
keep it green when you can, eh?
Goo Gone or Contractor's DeSolvent - or mayo...
"Goof Off" is another one. Never heard of the mayo trick. have to try it!
I've heard about the mayo trick, think I'll give that a try! Got some Goof Off I can try too.http://www.woodsshop.com
A thought:
Depending on what the surface is painted with, Goof-Off may be the wrong product to use. Its main ingredient is xylene, which does a great job of dissolving latex paints. Dunno what it does to other types.
I use a LOT of 1x oak boards from HD/Lowes. The B@#$%d's each have those darn SKU stickers (with vendors info also) on them.
Since my projects call for 'natural' finish (Poly with no stain), I've used everything from acetone to goof off to remove the sticky. All leave a dark stain.
What I use is "Brake Cleaner" sprayed on a rag (not carb cleaner) from an auto parts store. I removes the glue and evaporates in less than a minute with NO staining or darkening of the wood.
3M makes aa adhesive solvent. It is designed to be used on automobile finishes. I believe it's called "adhesive remover" , found it to be very gentle on many sufaces. Works much like goof off , but dries much faster... oohh and works better.
Wish I could just ask http://www.gorillatape.com !Can anyone get to their site? I get a "Server Not Found"http://www.woodsshop.com
Try the backdoor.http://gorillaglue.com/home/sitemap.aspx.
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Right on Bill, I fired off an email to them.How did you find that good url, just add SiteMap to the end of the regular url??http://www.woodsshop.com
No, I did a google on Gorilla Tape thinking that you might have had a typo. the first hit was the "bad" site.The second one was for Gorrila Glue. And one the products was for Gorilla Tape. But it did not have the FAQ's and the like. But I spotted the Site Map link..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Now that's one I wouldn't have thought of either. I hate those freakin' stickers too!
I have done the peanut butter in the hair or beard trick a few times. It works some of the time , depending on what type of krap I decided to tangle with. I'm a happy camper. Beats the scissors.
Also works good on the mutts and they get a treat in the end
Peanut butter.
orange oil
Try lighter fluid. The stuff that goes into the old Zippos. Works on most everything & doesn't dull the finish